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Hi, friends!! Above is my hopefully update schedule for the rest of forever. I'm thinking of making an interactive blog to go along with this story or something. What do you think? Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I really feel bad. And, finally I'm gonna make a new cover soon. I love you!

"Why is this so much harder than it should be?" You groaned, slumping forward and consequently smashing the keyboard with your face, causing the blog template you had open to jump wildly around your screen.

"Why don't you just let me do it?" Danny asked, concern lacing his voice over the phone. "I can have it up in literally 12 seconds."

"Shut up." You growled, getting up and smashing buttons angrily, hoping the blog would magically rearrange itself to do what you wanted it to do. 

"How's it going in here?" Your momma asked gently, walking into the room with a cup of steaming tea. 

"Death. Destruction." You grumbled, rolling your neck and wincing at the way it crackled like ice-coated leaves. You folded the cup in your hands and sipped at the darink, reveling in the warmth slipping down your throat.

"That doesn't sound good." She kissed the top of your head, peering over your shoulder. "It looks go so far..."

"I still need a name!" You exclaimed. 

"A name? Worry about that last, honey." She stroked her fingers through your hair before patting the top of it. "Work on finishing setting it up. You don't have to finish this tonight, you know."

"Yes I do! Or I never will!" You were shaking. Danny reached forward quickly, beginning to rub your arms and shoulders. 

"Hey, hey... Hush..." He was being soft, his palms just brushing against your skin, attempting to ground you, keep you safe. The gasping that had begun to seize up your chest and lungs began to fade off and you relaxed before your body had the chance to shut down. You melted back against him, and he rubbed your back gently. "There ya go, (Y/N)."

Your mother smiled sweetly at Dan, then gently pressed your still warm tea into your trembling palm. "That's right, you're alright. Relax, sweetie pie. We can put it up for the day, if you need."

"No." You shook your head firmly, sitting up and rolling your neck once more. "This'll get done. By me. Tonight."

You had support. Nothing could stop you. 

It was 1 am. Danny was asleep in the corner, drool pooling out of the corner of his mouth as his head sagged into his lap. Your mother had fallen asleep a long time ago. But you? You had continued. Pushed through. You had so much achievement and tea coursing through your body, you couldn't help but smiling as you pressed the button.

Your website is now published!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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