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I still don't have a job. Or my TEMPS. I do have all A's though. And a cute guy who's pretty much my boyfriend even though we can't say we're dating (I'm gonna marry him one day, we've agreed.) So. Yeah. Hi. 

"And my mother wants my to start a blog." You mumbled forlornly over lunch. You Danny were sitting outside the library on the benches, enjoying the sunshine and lounging around, so you were telling him about your mother's proposal. 

"Sounds like a pretty whelm idea." He nodded, leaning back and munching on his half of a Subway sub. 

You leaned forward in shock. "Are you kidding?" You shrilled. "How is it whelm? I'm sick! Nobody cares about some sick vampire-looking girl who decides to try and write a blog!"

"You'd be surprised." Danny shrugged, unfazed by your outburst. "See, you're different." He shook his sub at you. "So you're special, and people might wanna hear about you. Maybe there's other people like you, you never know."

"You're talking to a sickly girl who can't breathe right on her own half the time." You countered.

"I'm secretly a superhero living in your town pretending to be a normal person."

So, he had a point. You sure would read about that, even though that super hero was pretty much your boyfriend.

"It's the same as your books. You read about Hazel Grace, right? She was a sick brat, wasn't she?" He leaned closer to you. "You know what makes you better than that?"

"What's that?" You mumbled, losing track and thinking about how pretty his blue eyes were. They had all these gorgeous little ice flecks in them. Like pieces of shattered sapphire on a soft blue sheet.

"You," he took your hand, "you are real." You looked up into his face. He was grinning with admiration and insistance.

"I guess you're right..." You mumbled.

"So you'll do it?" He beamed happily.

"Sure. But only if you help me."
He hugged you tightly, whooping with excitement. You just laughed.

He was crazy.

Dear Whoever You Might Be ~Robin (Boy Wonder) X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now