First Day of Legend High

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Dawn Pov
Today is my first day of Legend High. I was getting ready I decided I'd wear a silk white shirt and black jeans they're the only pair of black clothing my parents will let me have. I never wore make up even though my parents wanted me too.

"Dawn  don't be late for school we want you to have your halo by the end of the year." My mom said to me.

"I know mom I can always fly to school, it's just down the street." I told my mom as I flew out the door we always live on the top of buildings, I hate it.

I got to school and I landed lightly.

"Hey Dawn !" My best friend Crescent yelled to me she's a Werewolf but she can keep it under control she has dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, and light skin with freckles.

Crescent POV

"Hey Dawn !" I shouted to her she's my best friend and she's an angel literally. It was our first day of Legend High I'm suprised her parents let her out of the house with black jeans. " Your parents let you wear black jeans ?" I asked

"Yesh suprising right ?" Dawn  told me as she laughed. "So what are your classes ?"

"Well for first period I have full moon transformations. What do you have ?" I wanted to know she probably has fun classes since she's an angel.

"I have discovery of abilities." Dawn  told me.

" Sounds line fun. I'll see you at lunch ok? " Being around Luminescence for to long brings out my anger because I hate how perfect she is.

Dawn POV

As I walk into class I see a vampire everyone since anywhere but near him.
I decided I'll sit next to him.

"Hey I'm Dawn! What's your name ?"

He glares at me before answering
"My names Dusk." as he says his name it's as if he's peircing my flesh with fear.

The teacher started talking saying we all had different abilities but since he's a shapeshifter he can help us figure our abilities out but I couldn't focus I was thinking of Dusk.

Dusk POV

She sat near me an angel. Why ? Her name is Dawn. Well at least that's what I know from what she told me. I can't focus, I'm to focused on her. I need to stop I'm in a relationship with Flutter she's a fairy.
The rang to go to lunch when a text from Flutter appeared.

I love my ex I'm sorry. -Flutter

It's fine -Dusk

*Lunch *

Dawn  POV

"Omg Crescent guess what!" I said as I sat down.

"What?!" Crescent said.

"I think I have a crush on this Vampire named Dusk" I told her excitedly.

"I met a Dragon named Blaze and I have a crush on him...I bumped into him in the hall but we have pe tomorrow!" Crescent told me.

Dawn POV

The bell rang and off to flight classic went.
As I walked in there Dusk was again but this time he gestured for me to sit by him.
I walked over and sat down.

"Um hi. " I say to him

"You should come to basketball game. I'm the drummer in the school band." Dusk says to me.

"Sure but uh why are you asking me ?" I was super excited but at the same time really nervous.

"Because an angel, like you should also go out and do things. You're gorgeous. Will I see you at the game ?" Dusk asked and told me.

"Yesh of course." I replied and then the bell rang thank goodness for that !

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