Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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*OKAY GUYS LISTEN UP!! I WANT TO MAKE A FAN FICTION BUT IT IS DECIDED BY YOU GUYS, THE FANS!! WOO!! PLEASE COMMENT THE FAN PAIRING YOU WANT but it has to be like Naruto or Soul Eater or Inuyasha cause those are the main animes I know....and majority rules too. I also have my Maka X Kid fans voting too but it seems they didn't read that part. And I don't know if you'll read this part yea...COMMENT THE PAIRING YOU WANT!!! WOO!!! THANK YOU FANS!!!*


(Okay guys please read my note above. It involves you guys helping me. So please read it).

I put on my Black dress with fishnet stockings. (The dress is, of course black, but also it is a dress where the straps hang loose on the sides. It is a long dress, up the middle of her thighs, with a big cut on the left side so her entire left leg shows. Sakura: 'fuck no am I wearing an outfit like that. Fuck that shit.' Kakuzu: 'was it expensive?' Me: 'supposed to be really expensive.' Kakuzu: 'then Sakura wear the fucking dress if it's supposed to be really expensive.' Me: 'plus she got it on her birthday from a dear friend. So it adds up Sakura. Gotta wear it some time.' Sakura: 'GO. TO. HELL.' Me: 'I love too.')

I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like in it. It looks nice on me, not too bad. Then I walked into the living room where all the guys were and Hidan looked at me first. Oh god why.

"Hey sexy. What's with the hot outfit? Not that it looks bad, babe!" Hidan said.

Then they all looked at me. God help me. They won't stop staring at me. Help! Anyone!

"It's rude to stare you know," I say. "Tobi thinks Sakura should where that dress more often!!" And to that he grabs me around my waist and his head on my breasts.

"Tobi. If you don't get off of me now, I will rip that mask off of your face and destroy it," and he let go of me. "Hot lookin' and hot tempered. Just the way I like em' " Kisame smirked.

"Say something like that again and I'll turn you into sushi," I replied. He gulped.

"The hell are you guys watching???" I asked. (When she looked at the screen she saw a man and a kid trying to have a sing off of some sort).

"We have no idea, un.....why are we watching this again, un?" Deidara said. "Whoever has the remote, change the channel. I'm getting annoyed by this stupid show," Itachi said.

They tried to change it but it was on every channel until noon.

"Just turn it off," I said. So they did. "What now? I'm already bored," I said. Itachi was reading his book, Kakuzu was sewing a rip he got in his pants, Hidan went into his room to do a sacrifice thing. Deidara was making clay figures, Sasori making miniature puppets, Zetsu out in his garden, Nagato, Pein, and Konan doing something in the meeting room, and then there was Kisame, Tobi, and I. Everyone still looked bored out of their minds.

We had nothing to do.

Then an idea struck my head. "Hey, I'll be right back," I said walking away. "Whatcha doin', pinky?" Kisame said. "You'll see."

I went into my room and looked in my closet, where I had put extra things I brought to this place. The stuffed animal I had since I was a kid, no. Pictures from the past, no. Tampons and pad, definitely not it. Blank scrolls, no. Hmm where is i- AHA! there you are!

I had brought some water balloons with me, in case this happened. I wanted to surprise these guys though. I put them into my breasts cause no one would find them there. I also took my Jutsu book so I could see if I could do anything for Nagato and my bikini to change into. I snuck into the kitchen to get a bucket of ice and water. Everyone was suspicious now. I then brought the bucket into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me so no one would try to peek.

I had to open the bag first. It was easy since one of the guys had left a kunai in here. Why is there a kunai in the bathroom, anyways? Doesn't matter right now. I filled each balloon with cold water from the sink, put them into the bucket and I had to wait 'til the ice melted to use one of them. It would take a while. I was ready to wait though.

After about half an hour of reading and looking at the bucket and back the ice was melted. I picked up one of the balloons. Ice cold. Good. I put the balloon back so it would get cold now. I quickly changed into my bikini. (Sakura's bikini was coincidently black and red. It was black with a red flower outlined with white on the left breast. She didn't put on the bikini bottoms. Instead of a swim suit bottoms they had matching shorts but the flower was on her left butt cheek).

Now I had to open the door and try to throw one at one of the guys. Good thing I have perfect aim. I used the bucket as a door stopper when I was outside the door. It looks like they didn't care about what I was doing after waiting for so long. No one cared to look in my direction. I noticed Hidan came out of his room and Zetsu came back inside.

I picked up an ice cold balloon behind my back. I stood up and I had to decide who to throw it at. Hmm......Hidan. I got my aim ready.

Then I threw the balloon not too hard but hard enough to make it break when it hits him. "What the fuck?" Hidan said wondering what the hell just happened to him. He ignored it though. So I threw another.

"Head shot!" I yelled to him. Which that means I hit him on the back of his head.

Everyone looked at me, then to Hidan, then back at me. Hidan turned around and said, "you little fucker. What the hell was that?!?"

"A water balloon. No duh!" I said. "Where did you even get those?" Itachi asked. I replied, "brought a few bags with me before I left." I threw another at him, in his chest this time. It seems Kisame, that little shark bastard, snuck behind me and took a balloon and snuck back to his spot before I noticed. I know this because he threw one of my water balloons at me.

"Eye for an eye, pinky," he smirked.

"I take it you want to have a water balloon fight. Anyone else want to join?" I asked.

"Tobi wants to join!" Tobi said raising his hand like a fool. Everyone else did an 'eh. Why the hell not?' shrug. "Alright either all against all or two teams. Which is it?" All of them said don't care, except Tobi. Tobi wanted teams so he could be on my side. Since only one vote went out, it was decided we did teams.

"I'll pick for my team. I need another person. To be on the other si-" Hidan got next to me though. Meaning he was on the opposite team. Everyone understood that too. But there was an uneven amount of us. Hidan said, "you can have an extra, bitch." I replied, "oh but you'll be needing more people, douche."

This. Means. War.

The team picking went by fast. I ended up with the extra. My team was me, Tobi, Itachi, Deidara, and Sasori. Hidans team was him, Kisame, Zetsu, and Kakuzu.

I poured my bucket of water down the drain putting fresh water and ice in it. Then I put ice and water in another bucket. I got another bag of balloons out to give to them. They left four out to make our supply of balloons even. Which was nice of them.

We of course did this outside because Pein would get pissed if he saw the hideout wet and wrecked with pieces of balloons here and there.


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now