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Inspiration from this song
Stop - Dalton Rapattoni
Here I am again. Leaning against the railings, waiting. Waiting for my phone to ring. I need to hear your voice to feel sane again. To feel safe. I need you, please. The asphalt has never looked to welcoming. 'Am I going to throw it all away or not?' The wind is starting to pick up as I close my eyes. I hear the cars below, the hum of people passing by. Normality I wish I could go to. But I will never be there. Please, just ring, he can stop all this. He was my life, my everything. But.... I've caused this. I've made many mistakes but none have been this bad. To tear my love from me. It's becoming too dark, too lonely. Our fights echo in my mind, screaming at my foolishness. I want it all to stop. Oh, all I want is you back. Please help me. Rain feels like bullets as they mix with hot tears, this is my fault. In my hand, a photograph taken from our first kiss. How everyone knew what you were planning. I kiss him, for the last time? Maybe. He was always there for me, when I hurt on the inside so hurt myself on the outside too. And he helped me, became my relief, my saviour. Helped me stop. But now you're not here, when I need you the most. I'm turning to lean back for the last time when I see you. Screaming for me to stop. But you were too late, our fingers ghost each other as I fall, faster than I fell for you. I look up to see your tear streaked face looking down at me. Screaming,crying,begging,pleading. But nothing can change this now. This time it was too much my love. I call out to you but only a whisper comes out. "I will always love you Evan Fong". That's when everything stopped.

So that's my first one shot hope you liked it. Probably rewrite this another day but yeah, who knows... Buhbye

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