Making a move

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Vanoss Pov
As my morning run bends round the last corner I see his house.There he is again. Stood outside on his porch, seems like he's looking for someone or something. I pass his front yard as he lets out a yawn and shuffles back indoors. What is he looking for? Its got me. But it is nice seeing him every morning. Yes, I may have a small crush on this mysterious man. Did I say small? I meant a massive crush. I mean how could you not? His dark hair just covered his ocean blue eyes, the blue hoodie he seems to always wear with his tight fitted black jeans that showed off that gorgeous ass of his. I didn't even realised that whilst I was dribbling over that adorable guy that I had made it home. Unlocking the door I was greeted by the cool air conditioned room. Slipping off my red jacket I made my way for the shower. As I reached for the shampoo my thoughts went back to that man. Maybe I should say something to him, maybe we could become friends. Or hopefully more. My thoughts were once again brought back as a sting came from my eyes. Shaking all those thoughts of him, I finished in the shower. I grabbed some sweats and one of my comfy tops, as I made pancakes. Well I deserve them after all. I jumped onto my couch and turned the TV on. Slowly my eyelids became heavy as I fell into unconsciousness.

H2O Pov
I sat on my porch steps again this morning. It seems to be all I do now that I have hope. Just sit and wait, that's what my Ma told me. Just sit and wait I will do then. That guy came past again today. He always looks good, no matter what he wears. Damn.... Maybe he's the one I'm searching for after all. No, he cant be. I don't even know his name. Yawning, I saw him looking up the path towards me as he smiled, jogging past. My house seems colder than before. I hear the soft pitter patter of my dogs paws as she waddles over to me. She must know its time for her walk. Today's the day, I can feel it. Something's going to happen. As I make my way to his house I smell smoke, so glad that's not me this time. Aha, yeah.... it's happened before. I look up and see His house. But that's not all. Smoke engulfed all his upper floor. Shoving my dogs leash into a watchers hands, I ran straight up his drive. Using all my might to knock his door down. There he was, laying on his couch. He looked so peaceful, I would love to see that face every morning in my bed. This isn't the time for that. Lifting him up bridal style, I run full speed out of there collapsing on his lawn becoming wet from the dew. Begging him to wake.

Vanoss Pov
My eyelids feel so heavy. I feel my back on something cold and wet, someone's shaking me. My nostrils become filled with the scent of smoke. Peeling my eyes open I come face to face with Him. Gorgeous Porch Guy. He's leaning over me, I get lost in his eyes, I go to talk and all that comes out is a raspy "Hey". His perfect face shows confusion before giggling. "I never thought this would be what made us talk at last" he chuckled then blushed at the position we had got into, his hands either side of my head as I began leaning up. Smirking, I knew this was my chance to start something beautiful with this angelic man. I got closer to the side of his face as he froze, making sure my cheek ghosted over his. " The names Evan. Who would have thought the first time we talk we both get wet" I whispered in his ear before lifting us both off the damp grass. Now his lightly tinted cheeks became tomato red. He's adorable I think as I smirk at his stuttering self. "II-I'm J-Jonathan" he said lightly smiling at the ground. "Well Jonathan," I purr out "would you like to come in?" I say but then look back at my slightly ruined house. I look back at the now tomato faced Jonathan for us both to giggle. "Mm-maybe we should go b-back to m-mine." Grinning at his shyness he leads the way back to his. And that's when I knew this was the start of my life with Jonathan that I wouldn't ever change.


Hey so that's the end of the second one shot hope you enjoyed. sorry if there's any mistakes. Buhbye

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