Lost and found

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Another angst for you guys because I feel like these are what I'm good at. "And I hope ye enjoy." XD

3rd Person
Jonathon was a blubbering mess and Evan was nowhere to be seen. That was the scene that greeted the lovers' friends. Lui was the first to make a move comforting Jon whispering sweet nothings to him. He hugged the train wreck that was their friend as he blubbered away. "Why would he do this? I thought he loved me. Was it all a lie?" Jon kept asking his dumbfounded friends. Tyler was quick to dial Evans phone and the others were left to wonder what had happened between these two? As he went to the kitchen his voice became muffled. "WHAT?! What do you mean it was for him? His own good? What is this all about? Fine. I'll ask him myself then" They all heard a loud sigh before Tyler slowly made his way back in the room rubbing his face violently. "Hey Jon?" he started out as he began rubbing his neck and crouching down to Jonathans level on the floor. "What's happened?" Big blue watery eyes peer up at his concerned green grey ones. Jon's bottom lip began to tremble as he collected his words in a sigh.


Vanoss PoV
The door opened and slammed shut indicating Jon was back. I groan knowing that he was going to see me slightly drunk and flip out again. He rounded to the corner into the living room. "Hey ba- ARE YOU DRUNK?!" Here it comes. "We've talked about this Evan." He fustratedly sighed as he crossed his arms. He pointed to the couch. "All you do is sit on this couch and drink. Do you not care about me anymore?" "Let's leave it for tonight love" I mumble lying down on the couch and lazily look back at the TV. He was becoming more and more annoying and his presence was beginning to bother me. I hear him snort angrily and stand in front of me. "NO YOU'RE FUCKING DRUNK AGAIN" He yells getting angrier and angrier. This angers me even more. "I'm not fucking drunk you dumbass" I shoot back glaring at him. I see him reel him arm back ready to punch me out of anger. But I was just as pissed. I stand quickly and catch his arm before he reaches my face. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE" I scream at him. "DO YOU THINK THAT I WORK MY FUCKING ASS OFF FOR YOU TO WASTE MY FUCKING MONEY ON ALCOHOL?!" He yells as we get closer and closer to each other until we're only inches from each other's faces. I was so pissed off I couldn't think straight. "I WISH I HAD LEFT YOU WITH LUKE" I yell at him before realising my mistake. I back up as he stops and becomes confused. "Who is Luke?" he asked with the innocence of a child.


I had just finished making myself food when my phone rang. I picked up and a very polite lady answered. "Hello, am I speaking to mister Fong?" it's probably one of those cold callers I thought but answered anyway ready to put the phone down. "I'm from the Greensboro Hospital." Wait, that's where Jonathan lives, "and I'm sorry to inform you that Jonathan Smith has been admitted." No that can't be right. I took the next flight to NC and as I arrived I made my way to the hospital as my first destination. Going up to a nurse I asked if she knew where Jonathan was. "Oh the crash survivor? Yeah I'll take you too him." As I followed she gave me more information on him. "I'm his nurse actually. He was the only survivor. He's lost everyone in his family. Also in a coma at the minute with maybe permanent memory loss of everything before it. By the way. Are you his boyfriend?" I almost chocked on air. I mean I would love it if we were but there was just one problem. And that dicks name was Luke. Wait did she say Jonathan had memory loss? I smirk as I make my plan. Smiling at the nurse I nod before she starts walking again. "Well you two are cute together. "She states as I blush. Wait was Luke phoned too? "How many people did you phone?" I ask trying to not be suspicious. She was oblivious anyway. "Usually they only phone the person at the top or on their emergency numbers. But you were both so it made things easier. "She laughed out. This was even better. Time to phone Luke. Putting the phone up to my ear Luke answers. "Hey man, I'm sorry about Jon..." I trail off. Damn I should have taken drama. "What about Jon?" he asked sounding very worried. I smirk before continuing. "H-he died this morning in a car crash with the rest of his family." I mumble. "Oh god." He gasps as I hear him sob. "I-I c-can't believe it. W-whens the f-funeral?" he manages to ask through his tears. I smirk even more. "T-they said the bodies were too s-shredded. They're g-going to burn them with the car." I'm convincing myself here. I'm impressing myself. "O-okay t-they w-wouldn't have w-wanted anything big anyway. T-they're like t-that. They w-were anyway...." He trails off. "Maybe it's best if you stay with your family. Y'know. To get away." I suggest which he agrees too unsurprisingly. "Y-yeah.... NC will always remind me of Jon... I guess t-this is the last t-time I'll talk t-to you then. I-I'm sorry... I'm not good at this. I-I need to go. So I guess.... Bye?" that was easier than I thought. "Yeah, goodbye... and I'm sorry too" putting the phone down I manically giggle. He's mine now. He will never know of Luke. I was always with him, that's what he'll think.


I had to explain now. It's going to break him. But he deserves to know. Especially as I fucked myself up. As I explained he became stiff and clenched his hands as his eyes watered. I can't see him like this. What have I done? He needs a normal life. And if that means me leaving... Glancing at my keys and wallet I quickly grab them and run to the door. Turning one last time to see Jon I'm heartbroken. He was still. Staring ahead of him as tears poured down his reddened cheeks. I did this. I run out of the door and start up my car, not looking back at 'our' house. That was his house now. I'm so sorry. I love you.


Tyler PoV:
Oh Jon. He must be distraught. Just being told that his whole life has been a lie. And then his love runs out to never return. I look into his eyes as they continuously pour. He's a mess and who could blame him. I stand abruptly. Everyone looks at me. "Evan has ruined enough lives." I start Brock worriedly steps forward. "You're not going to kill him are you?" he asks nervously. I lightly smile. "Maybe. Who knows? But first we need to find him" the others glance around before looking back at me and nodding. "We're in" they say in unison. Well, Evan. I guess the chase is on.


Damn this is long. But it was fun to write sooooo. Okay so I hope you guys enjoyed. There might be a part two if I like what I write but it probably won't be the next update of this book. Or maybe it will be.Yeah sorry about that. Not really. MWAHAHAHAH XD

H2OVANOSS (one shots) {discontinued}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu