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Heyyyy sorry this has taken so long I've been away and the Internet is quite shitty. Anyway enjoy this longer than expected one shot XD

Vanoss PoV
Waking up I happily sighed. Only a few more days till the rest of the gang come down and stay for the week for PAX, the first one Jons going to. Jonathan and I admitted our love to each other when he first came to mine a week ago and its going great. I remember the 'fun' we had last night. Smirking I glance over to see his side of the bed. Panicking I scrambled up, it was empty, has he left again? "Jon?" I called out. Hearing a yelp from downstairs I bolted down the hall almost falling down the stairs. Rounding the corner to the kitchen the sight I saw was relieving, well not really. Jon was on the floor groaning as flour covered him and my kitchen I couldn't help but giggle. He was adorable with his short height, big blue eyes, freckles and mop of midnight hair. And to top it all off he wore his raccoon onesie with the tail and ears. Man, I love this son of a bitch. He saw me laughing at his appearance and began pouting and fake crying. I leaned on the doorway and crossed my arms looking at him. "what are you doing?" I question a smirk tugging at my lips. "well...." he started looking around.

Delirious PoV
Yawning I pried my eyes open. Glancing over at my Evay-bear, I smile. I'm the luckiest man in the world. I have no idea how I managed to deserve this beauty in front of me. Quietly I got up and laughed at the squeaky floorboard. Admiring the view of Evans muscular chest tracing his abs I thought of making breakfast for my love. Silently dressing in my comfortable onesie Evay got me I chuckle as putting the hood up letting the ears stick up. Creeping out of the room and down the cool wooden stairs I make my way to his large kitchen. What to make... Maybe some Puncakes? I giggle to myself at the reference to our videos. We should be meeting them in a few days for PAX and maybe we'll tell them about Us. Climbing onto the counter I reached for the pancake mix. Why does he have to keep it so high up? Ugh just a little more and I would have got it. Until I slipped. My heart dropped to my stomach. I was going to fall down this cliff of a counter. Grasping onto anything I managed to grab onto something hopefully heavy enough for me to stay up. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't. A bag of flour. A fucking bag of flour. As I fell, I threw the flour into the air, unintentionally of course.... I readied myself for the landing as I crashed on the floor. Damn that hurt more than I thought it would. I let out a cry as I landed on my tailbone. Flour floated down all around my like snow. If I wasn't in pain it would have been quite pretty. I heard the uneven thuds coming from the stairs as I groaned rubbing my tailbone. He was at the door a second later just staring at me. He started to laugh whilst glancing around the kitchen before landing his gaze to me. I whimpered up to him as he stared down at me"What are you doing?" his lips began to twitch into a smirk. " Well...." I started. Evan began to start chuckling as I became flustered " well?" he questioned me " well... why do you have to put the pancake mix so high up? I wanted to make you FUCKING PANCAKES!" He started to laugh more at my outrage before lifting me carefully from the floor " but why would I want pancakes when I cold have you? You're the only sweet thing I need" he smirked as I begun to giggle. Damn he's on cheesy motherfucker. But he's my cheesy motherfucker.

Wow yeah sorry for the wait but hopefully ill get back into this now. Ive also found my old netbook so I can write a lot faster. Buhbye

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