Dear Jonathan

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It's been a while since I've wrote anything on this book so I thought I'd do something real quick. This is super short but just a little angst I might make into a book maybe. So here you go. Hope you have a great day, you deserve it :)

Dear Jonathan,

Another late phone call full of tears with no answer. I've packed my bags to leave. I can't stay here. It's been so long and I'm taking a long flight. I wish you could have stayed but you couldn't and now I can't either. Everything I look at in this neighborhood reminds me of you and I can't live with that tipping me off the edge every day. I won't let you go. Even though the others say to. You were too young. And I never knew you were ill till too late and I couldn't help you. I stay up all night talking to you, hoping that wherever you are, you are talking back to me. Somewhere on the other side. 'Hush now, Speak slow' I comforted as you sobbed out the problem. I begged you to stay close and don't go but you wouldn't. You couldn't. And that was what broke me. You were giving up, you could have lived longer but you accepted too soon. I wish we didn't have to say goodbye but that's what it came down to. I'll be thinking about you every night and I won't let you go. Yet a different night, a different day and pretty soon it's all going to be the same without you here with me. I've got the stars in my eyes because I believe that is where you are and you have always looked better by my side. I miss you Jon. And I never got to tell you this but... I love you.


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