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The urge was too much I had to do it. To anyone. But why did it have to be him? The voices. They tell me I've fucked up but I know. There's no way to help him now. I knew what I was doing even if I didn't know who to. What should I do? I can't hand myself in they'll take me away for good. But maybe that's where I need to be. Away from here. Do I need help? He's on the floor. What do I do now? His blood is staining the wood beneath him as he struggles for breath. Wow I got him good didn't I. Why am I smiling at this? Why do I like this? He's staring straight at me now. Gasping for air. Life is fading from his eyes as they become dull. I'm sorry. This shouldn't have been you. I should have controlled it. But I didn't. And now look where we are. He is whispering something I can't hear. I bend down. What...? Did he just say...? Do I love him back? Is that what these feelings are? I've made a massive mistake. I do. I do love him. But I'm going to have killed him. And have enjoyed it. What am I? Please. The light leaves his eyes as he smiles for the last time before going limp. No. I can't do this without him. I've fucked up big time. I grasp his body as it becomes colder. I can't lose him. Not like the others. Not like I lost them. He was the last one left. My only friend. But he was ended with the the same fate as the others. What have I done? I'm a monster. A freak. A murderer. I shall end with the same fate. From myself. It is the only way to stay with the ones I love. The one I love. I love you too. I'm coming Evan.
Hey sorry for the real bad updates some personal shit has been happening but hopefully I'll get back on track. Buhbye

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