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My first day as a senior here. Well I'm the oldest as I didn't graduate last year. I've got this unknown condition and this years guy called Kevin McCullough is coming into our school to help seniors graduate with learning difficulties. Only 1 teacher likes me and that's my music teacher.

My temper isn't the best at all, I'm on my last warning if I smash one more face in a locker. I get bullied so much so that doesn't help me at all.

I walked into the class and Kevin was here. I had a fucking major crush on him since I started listening to them. When I went to go sit down my chair was pulled out the way.

This was in music as well so I was extra pissed because I wouldn't go back in the class if I walked out.

I saw Kevin looking at me whilst my teacher explained what was wrong with me and why my hair was white and my eyes were black. Yeah I'm a rare edition you could say. I walked out and started punching and kicking the walls.

Kevin was following me and I just punched harder. I could see the pain in his eyes and I stopped. He pinned me on floor as he was probably told to do so.

"We don't punch things now, do we Zelda?" He said very soothingly. I let out a cracked "No". I wiggled but it only got worse for me.

He released me when I was calm enough and I didn't want to go back in the classroom. I refused, I literally got so angry Kevin had to bear hug me and keep my arms restricted. I felt really trapped and I got out of it really quickly.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs before kicking the door open. He ran back to the classroom and what I was guessing he got the teacher.

"Zelda shh..."She said pulling me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder barely because I was so short.

I was put into the comfort room. It was a large room filled with things I couldn't hurt myself with. The walls were foam and there was a load of cushions. My temper is really bad.


I made my way outside feeling calmer than usual. I don't go outside but today I felt like I could do it. Kevin was on duty and he kept a close eye on me. Why?

The jocks actually liked me and they were a little afraid of me. I found it funny. I never talked to them at all but they always stuck up for me but we became a little distant as I've been getting into loads of trouble.

"It's our Link!" One said high fiving me. I dodged it and I got pushed to the floor. I guess they've changed. I got one in a choke but released a few seconds later and I walked well away. I couldn't do this anymore.

I felt a hand in my shoulder and I turned around. I didn't see who it was and I instantly fell to the floor because I knew I was about to get smacked.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I shuddered away at how tall he was compared to me. He knelt down and he took a look at my fist that I was punching with before and he gently kissed it. He was so gentle.

"Don't do this to yourself, I'm here to help you. I was assigned with you until you graduate. I've seen you at concerts anyways." He smiled. Did I trust this guy? I don't know whether I liked his vibe.

"You've got gym next. So. I'm gonna help you do some drill work." He told me with a 'I'm sorry' expression. I went up to gym and I was surrounded by cheap hairspray and perfume. I got changed in the back and all those girls are what Kevin would fall for. Decent sized boobs, skinny, tanned. And then you have me. Quite big boobs, too skinny and pale as a polar bear.

"Oh look who didn't graduate..." The most popular girl said. I kept my head down and I was slammed up the wall and it hurt my back a lot. I felt claustrophobic as anything and I slid out of it easy. Kevin was on his phone and I walked out. I was teary and shaky. I hugged him and the girls followed.

"Well hello there handsome..." One of them says fluttering her fake eyelashes.

Kevin hugged me back and I had the side of my head on his chest. My boobs were really awkward at this moment.

"What've you done to Zelda?..." He said in a serious tone, they walked by me and dragged me off him and I started to cry. I couldn't get up, my nerves were really bad in getting back up. One kissed him and he got really annoyed.

"Don't kiss me or touch me!!" He yelled walking off and I made my way downstairs. I was 10 minutes early so he might come back. I hope he does we're doing dodgeball and I'm scared.

"Zelda, team 1..." My teacher called and I made my way to the girls team... Oh no.

I saw Kevin slide through the door and I ran to him and started crying. I was so angry at what they had said. He grabbed my hands making me melt a little inside.

"I'll play with you." He says sounding a little pissed off.

We started the game and I hid behind Kevin and he got out. It was just me left. I just kept running and I picked up a ball and everyone went silent. I threw it and I missed. The whole crowd laughed and I got hit in the stomach really hard. I fell to the floor and everyone cheered. But Kevin.

I was winded so hard and I began to feel sick. I got up and went to the disabled toilets and threw up a lot.

When I got out I was feeling weakness crawl up my body. Kevin was waiting outside and I leant against the wall and he gave me a chewing gum and water, I love him for that.

I walked back in and I was fuming. Kevin said not to play but I did. It ended up being me vs Maria (the one who slammed me up and kissed Kevin) I wasn't that shy anymore. Kevin was staring at me and my body. What? Don't get distracted!

"Give it up Zelda. Kevin doesn't like you." She said dropping a ball. Everything went silent.

"He walked back to me and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mind it." She smirked jolting her hip out. I looked at Kevin and I knew he hadn't of.

"Kiss her right in front of me if you don't mind Kevin..." I said dropping a ball. He gave me such an angry look and he got up and left. Oh no...

I threw the ball and it hit her then I ran out to see Kevin with bloodshot eyes. I was so confused.

"None of that happened... I swear it didn't!!" He shouted scaring me a little. I don't respond well to loud sounds. I nodded and I think he was hiding something.

"What are you hiding Kev, you've been a little different with me from when I got pushed." I said as his face cleared up. Wish mine cleared out quick.

"It's amazing how someone can want someone so bad when they first meet..." He said budging past me.

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