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I woke up next to her beautiful face, god I've missed this so much. I leaned over her and kissed her head then faced my phone. I also realised we were moving. What's the time...

I squinted at the brightness and key my eyes adjust to the light.


Fack. We both slept in, I guess she's still real sensitive, her little face made me smile and I wanted to kiss it so bad.

I felt the small body stretch and I saw her eyes open them shut. I'm gonna stay here with her, I wanna make her happy.

She was dreaming and she kept wrinkling her nose up and I took a snapchat of us. She doesn't have to know...

Time skip to show wooah

I jumped about on stage and I didn't realise that I was looking at Zelda sing the whole time. I felt the chord get tangled up in my legs but I didn't care at the time.

Next thing I know I shout a reasonable curse word, hear a screech of the Mic and everything goes black.

About a minute later I wake up and I can't move, I looked up to see Alix and the band. Zelda was no where.

I groaned in pain and my jaw was out of place. I felt pain in my stomach, head, teeth. Oh don't tell I've have fucked my teeth up and my knee, off due that's broken.

I felt blood trickle out my mouth and I moved louder. Alix was shushing me and keeping me calm. I felt my eyes getting heavier but I wouldn't give in. What if I didn't wake up.

"The ambulance is on the way." Manny said running over and I heard the cry of some fans, I took a look at them. I.saw a girl and she wasn't crying, she was just smiling. Like a supportive smile.

I held my hand out for her to grab because I'm in so much pain. Seriously I need a hospital.

At the hospital

I was rushed into surgery and I had my jaw fixed, I could talk again but it was such an effort. I felt numb all over and I just wanted Zelda.

I was hooked up to ask these scary writes and I was on a drop. I wanted my best friends, I want my girlfriend, I want to wake up because this has to be a dream.

I saw Zelda looking paler than before. She had a fake smile and I knew she was scared too, but right now I didn't feel anything.

All I remember was looking at the love of my life and that drastic faint caused me to change my life after one little thing.

"Baby... I'm okay." I said smiling. She wasn't saying anything again, her eyes just watery. I don't think us is normal anymore.

I kissed her but it spark has faded...

"That wasn't normal was it..." I asked her eyes looked scared.

"I think we should break up..." I says letting go of her hand. I broke Zelda.

She just nodded and kissed my cheek then left. I felt tears well up in my eyes then the guys stopped her. She didn't like it.

"Dude what happened?" Alix asked. I pour my hand over my face and dragged it down.

"I broke up with her...." I cried. I felt terrible, they all took at me sympathetically. Yeah yeah I'm a monster for breaking her.

Two months later

Valentine's day is coming up and I'm nearly fully healed, it's just my knee that's a little sore. I still have feelings for Zelda. But I haven't talked to Zelda. I think she hasn't taken this well. But she bought a place and she's living by herself.

Alix went round there and said she hasn't taken it well, he says that she's really skinny now and her face is pale and get eyes are dark. What have I done.

I'll Capture You And I'll Take You To My Dungeon.Where stories live. Discover now