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Time skip, Christmas day.

So we started touring and the bad thing is that I haven't spoke to Zelda for 3 months, I Skype her all the time but we are beginning to cut down. The guys could go out to see their chicks but mine lived a fight away.

I dragged myself out of my bunk feeling depressed, the guys were already up. They're easy one massive present in the middle of the lounge, even Riley and Alister was here. Everyone.

The present was in a massive box. Alix was smiling the most. I wasn't in the mood to open it but it might be something rad.

They were all recording and I unwrapped it. My eyes began to burn and the thing jumped up. It was Zelda...

"Merry Christmas baby..." She quietly spoke, she's so innocent. I picked her up and I literally cried into her neck whilst she was in my arms. The guys were recording it and I let her go. I kissed her loads of times. I couldn't be happier.

She handed me a letter. It said that her condition couldn't kill her anymore. She's gonna be a normal girl. She looks like she's healthier.

I was in tears at this point.

She's handed me another saying that she's performing with us. The guys were cheering their asses off and I just wanted to cuddle her all day.

"You know how much I love you and I knew you were gonna get better..." I cried/whispered in her ear whilst hugging her.

"I like your ring dude." She giggled. I kissed her again.

"And we're all getting our lovers then going out for dinner tonight." Riley told us. This is the best Christmas ever. We opened everything else. And everyone watched Zelda open her last present.

It was in a little black box, she cried because it was a promise ring. I slid it on her finger.

"I love you so much I love I love you I love you..." she said jumping on me.

Later on tonight

We were all in fancy clothing and Zelda was stunning. Her hair was silver and her eyes were blue. She wore contacts.

"Lookin good Zelda." Alix winked. I came up behind and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. She's hasn't been scared, she's over it.

"This bitch is mine fuck off"' I growled kissing her neck. We all got a cab and we went to the restaurant.

Riley stood up and called for a toast.

"To welcome Zelda to the family." He says looking at her and raising his glass. We all cheered and the night went on.

She had to get up and leave, she didn't look to well at all. I followed her and she looked really uncomfortable.

"Kevin." She said with watery eyes. Was she in pain?


"My stomach hurts really bad." She cried holding her stomach.

"Is it something you ate?" I asked not knowing what was going on.

She shook her head.

"Are you... umm... on your? Yano..." I asked real awkward. She nodded her head and I blushed, um...

She was on her knees keeling over crying. Everyone came out not knowing she was in this state. They stopped dead in their tracks.

"Is she okay dude?" Manny asked. And I told him she was on her period.

"Zelda we gotta go get the cab..." I said bending over and holding her. She couldn't stand. I gently picked her up and sat her on my knee.

We all got on the bus and she went to the bathroom and threw up. I supported her and rubbed her back and held her hair back. Her nose started bleeding and I cleaned her up and she brushed her teeth.

We aren't setting out until tomorrow to the next venue. She sat next to Evan and she cried heavily and everyone felt bad for her.

She walked off and we were parked outside a wall. She leant over the wall and it scared me.

"Baby..." I whined grabbing her hands in front of her. I loved how moody she was.

"What." She spat. I itched her head under her hair and I knew she loved it. It made her smile more.

"I love you." I smiled and she gave a little smile back. Awwww.

I stepped towards her and passionately kissed her, I glazed her lower lip asking for entrance, she obviously let me in and I won dominance over her tongue.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her in tight. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt how she tensed up and separated the kiss from the pain she was feeling.

Her head was on my chest and she took a deep breath. I kissed her neck and she began to cry.

"Come in lets get you in bed..." I said lightly picking her up. Why do girls have to feel this pain.

I got her changed into her sweats and a tank then tucked her up. Little nugget.

"Night baby girl..." I whispered kissing her forehead.

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