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I'm a mess, he wouldn't take me back now. I'm so skinny, and my face looks lifeless. Alix comes round a lot and looks after me. I love him still. He won't get out of my mind.

I heard Alix walk in and I was just sat on my bed crying. I just want him back. Just one more kiss. There's no point in living anymore. I've lost him. The only guy I loved.

"Hey Zelda..." Alix greeted hugging me. I just cried harder. Just shoot me.

"Kevin wants to see you tomorrow, you up for it." He asked and my heart sank drastically. He wants to see me.

"Yeah of course I am, but it's Valentine's day tomorrow, I thought he had a date..." I said looking up. He smirked and I smiled.

The next day

I sat in my room waiting and I heard a knock. I jumped out if my gaze and got it. It was Kevin with roses and he looks darn well attractive.

"Hi..." He said with a proper shaky voice. I opened the door and let him in, he set the roses down on the table and I sat on the floor.

"So, what do you need." I asked looking down. He sat in front of me.

"I wanted to see you. I miss you..." He answered and I chuckled. Why did he break up with me then.

We talked due a while and our eyes locked, he suddenly kissed me and it was heated. I loved this. He pulled me on him and I didn't know what was happening. He separated it and I awkwardly stood up.

"I miss you..." he says again but pulling me into him. I melted into his eyes and he gently rocked me trying everything was okay. But was it. He rolled up my sleeve and saw something I didn't want anyone to see.

He gasped and stepped away.

"When did you do this." He asked and I told him when we first broke up, they were just scars.

"Don't ever do this again, you're stupid." He seriously told me, I began to cry and he pulled me in for a hug but I rejected it. Nah I couldn't let this happen, I'm too scared.

"Come on bunny-" oh my God I'm blushing. "You can trust me. I promise I'm not going to hurt you." He reassured with caring eyes. I slowly walked to him and suddenly hugged him.

His strong arms felt so right and his scent got me. Maybe he loves me, probably not.

"I love you..." oh that answers that. I felt my eyes well to with tears.

"Will you give me another chance..." He asked and I shook my head. He put me through this.



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