Chapter 1 = A New Beggining

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Garroth's POV

The war has ended and we somehow were able to come out victorious. We had few people fight for our side, but they were strong. Luckily nobody got seriously injured. Especially Lady Aphmau. If something happened to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself!!!!

Aphmau's POV

I'm so super happy we won the war with Okasis. I didn't see Zane through the entire thing though, I hope he just left. I don't want to deal with his dumb ass anymore!

The Phoenix Alliance has decided to stay and help fix all the damage Okasis has put the village through. I'm oh so very proud of everyone who helped, they deserve a reward......... Like a party!!!!!!!! Ooooooo I should start planning right now!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!

I started running through the ruins of Phoenix Drop to get to my surprisingly still standing house.

"Lady Aphmau? Where are you going?" Said a voice I knew very well. I turned on my heel facing Garroth.

"My home of course!!!!! I'm setting up something special. Go help with the village. I'll be able to help with the reconstruction in about 1 to 2 hours. Kay?" I said readying myself to run.

"Alright Lady Aphmau. Do as you wish. Be careful though, I didn't see Zane through the battle and I still have a bad feeling that he's lurking around." Said Garroth looking at me with worried eyes.

I started bounding up the stairs and on my way up I yelled "Thanks Garroth!!!!! See you later!!!!!!" Then I opened the door and bounded to my desk to start preparations!!!!!!!

Garroth's POV

Aphmau looked like she was planning something. I don't want to bother her. When she puts her mind for something she will do it.

"Garroth!!!!!! I need some help over here!!!!!!" I heard Dante yell. I turned my head to see Dante holding a giant piece of lumber that was blocking the path.

"1 sec Dante!!!" I hollered. I turned my head to look back at Aphmau's house. I wonder what she's up too?

"Garroth!!!!!! Stop day dreaming and get your lazy bum over here!!!!!"

"I'm coming!!!!! Geez who put you in charge!!!!!" I yelled walking over to Dante and helping him pull the lumber into a pile with others identical to it.

Time Skip (let's just say that the reconstruction of the village took 30 minutes. Okay? Okay? Good! On with the story!)

Aphmau's POV

The plaza looked great. So did the rest of the village. But the plaza mostly since I decorated it for the last minute party I quickly put together. By myself may I add.

About an hour ago the children and the other villagers who couldn't fight came back to the village. I'm glad too! The more the merrier I always say!!!!! Everyone in the village was in the plaza. Waiting for the party to start. Which it just has!!!!!

Music started playing and people started mingling. The children were playing a game of tag. Little Levin couldn't keep up with Malachi. I found it adorable!!!!

Laurence POV (something new huh!!!)

Garroth, Dante, and I still had to guard the area just in case if any remaining Okasis guards were still lurking around. Everyone of Phoenix Drop and the Phoenix Alliance were looking happy. Smiling.

All of a sudden from on the other side of the plaza I saw the bushes ruffle. I side glanced to my right at Garroth who was doing the same. I know he saw it. It wasn't just me. I turned to my left and looked at Dante. He seemed to see it too because he was slowly walking through the crowd to the bush. Garroth and I followed.

The closer we got the more it rustled. Like something was stuck inside. Garroth pushed some of the branches aside and there sat a girl. Tears streaming down her cheeks with her foot caught in a root. By the look of it her foot was bleeding from something. Her eyes were wide, scared. She looked up and when she saw us she passed out. Garroth was able to catch her just in time.

"Parties over!!! We have an injured." I yelled over the music so everyone could hear. The music abruptly stopped and everyone looked at us. Garroth was carrying the mystery girl bridal style. Aphmau and Zoey ran over.

"Take her to my house and put her in my guest room. Donna, Lucinda we need medical attention now!!!" Aphmau yelled rushing Zoey, Lucinda, Garroth, and Donna through the crowd of people/werewolves.

That's one of the reasons I love her, she knows how to take charge. Dante and I followed behind. I wonder what happened to that girl? Must be something tragic!  

Hey guys! So what did you think. Good so far? Turtle-Chan is planning on updating really soon. Please comment if you would like that.

Turtle-Chan Out!!!!!

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