Chapter 6 = Un-Welcomed Guests

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Laurence's POV

"Lady Aphmau, I did as you asked." Garroth told her as we sat on guard by the Doc. The ship was minutes from coming onto our shore and we were prepared.

"Thank you." She replied, "Has anyone seen Mavis?" She asked looking around. Suddenly an arrow was shot at Dante's feet as he screamed in horror. We laughed as we saw her sitting in a tree. Out of sight with her bow on the ready. Lucinda quickly picked up the arrow and sent it back at her with her magic. Mavis caught it effortlessly and connected it with her bow.

I heard the waves bounce as the ship docked. We took our attention away from Mavis so our 'guests' were unaware of her. Okasis soldiers marched off the ship. Zane was the last to exit off. You couldn't see it, but I could tell he was smirking behind his mask.

"Oh Aphmau! It's such a pleasure to see you again!" He said sarcastically as we glared at him.

"Cut the facade Zane!" She said angrily, "What are you here for?"

"Oh, just looking for my lab rat. Well more like a lab cat." He cooed. "And I heard she ran here.". He looked around at our faces. "I know she's here, just where."

"You're a disgusting man!" I spat, glaring at him. In the blink of an eye he had his sword at Lady Aphmau's neck.

"If you don't want anything to happen to your precious Lor-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence for he had to dodge a oncoming arrow. His sword fell from his hand. Dante, Garroth, and I stood protectively in front of Lady Aphmau.

"So she is here then!" He said in a happy, but evil tone. I could tell she already switched positions to another tree. That means they won't know where she is from where she shot the arrow, but we also don't know where she is. Oh Irene this is a catastrophe!

Mavis' POV

I quickly took out another arrow. Connecting it to my bow as I aimed at the disgusting man before my eyes.

"I know you're out there Experiment 12! Might as well come out of hiding!" He yelled, opening his arms as in a invitation to a hug. I slightly hissed as I slightly loosened my finger's grasp of the string. The only thing keeping me from firing was Katelyn's lesson a couple of days ago.


"I know that it might be tempting to kill someone for their sins, but always keep a level head." She said as I nodded in response.

"I'm not the best example for this, but it can be important. Remember, thoughts before bloodlust!" She coached, pointing a finger at me.

FlashBack End

I was suddenly pushed out of the tree i was positioned in. I wasn't focused! I quickly twisted my body so I would land on my feet. I slowly looked up to see an Okasis soldier smirking down at me from my old position. I glared, which made him gulp in fear.

"There you are!" I heard from behind me as my hood was yanked off my head. My blonde and red hair spreading across my back and my ears twitching from the sudden change. My tail that was wrapped around my body shook slightly as my anger rose. I quickly put my bow back into it's spot and yanked my sword from its sheath on my side as I turned to see Zane looking down at me with an evil look in his eyes.

"Oh, hostile aren't we now?" He said as he had to slightly back away from me pointing my sword at his neck.

"Go away!" I snarled, my ears down against my head in warning.

"But I can't leave without you. Experiment 12" He said threateningly. I pushed the tip of my sword against his neck which made him back away even more. He accidentally backed into one of his soldiers. Who grunted in response.

"Don't call her that! She's not some object! She's a human being!" Katelyn yelled at him from behind me. I lowered my sword slightly.

"Oh but haven't you heard. A meifwa born from two humans is a sign of a direct descendant of Shad The Destroyer, my boss doesn't just want her. He needs her for his complete comeback."

Nobody did anything but glare as I raised my sword to it's previous position and made him back all the way to the ramp to his ship.

"I'll leave for now. But I'll be back. And you will be coming with me. Experiment 12!" He yelled as he calmly walked onto his ship. I watched and counted the soldiers that climbed aboard.

Three, but there was originally four. The ship was about to sail off and I didn't want a spy staying here.

"Wait!" I yelled as I ran to the tree I was in previously to see the soldier to be climbing up the tree. Everyone looked at me confused as Zane scowled. I smirked as I jumped into the tree. I hopped up the tree. Pulling myself up from branch to branch. I caught up to the soldier easily and grabbed him by the ankle. I pulled my arm back so he lost grip on the branch he was holding onto. I flung the man and we fell from the tree. I wrapped my legs around one of the last branches of the tree and hung. I faced the group of people while the man was an inch away from the ground. His only support was me who was holding onto his ankle. I let go of his ankle and he hit his head onto the gravel below. My hair hung low as i watched him get up slowly and rush to the boat. Zane was agitated. Right as the soldier got onto the ship they sailed off back to Okasis. I front flipped myself from the branch i was on and landed on the ground.

"Lady Aphmau! Are you alright?" I asked as I rushed up to her. Everyone just gaped. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked as I pulled my hood over my head and pushed my hair inside. They just broke into a fit of laughter. I just stared up at them confused.  


I decided to update twice because of how long I haven't updated this story. Lol! Leave what you think in the comments below and what you guys think I should change. Love you all


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