Chapter Two

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I'm going to merge both chapters(Chapter Two Part One) hope it's not too long.

"Hey Scout." Noah approaches me.

"Hey Noah." I smile.

"You're really pretty you know that?"


"Do you know what pretty girls like you should do?"

"What should they do?"

"They should kiss me."

Our lips almost touch.


"What the fucking hell Chris?!" I scream as Chris blows a bull horn in my ear.

"Time for a challenge."

Another blow to my ear.

"Leave me alone dammit!"

"Fine. Damn. Can't leave me alone? Waking me up at-." I take a look at my watching. "Seven in the fucking morning!" I scream.

[I love my uncle but sometimes I seriously have thoughts of shaving his hair off in the middle of the night]

Okay so I'm not a morning person.

I push him away from me. I quickly get dressed and go outside. Everyone else is looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I snap and they turn their gaze.

"So today's competition starts in one minute." Chris says.

"Uh I don't think that's enough time for breakfast." Owen says.

[Damn. Is food all he thinks about?]

"Oh you'll get breakfast Owen. Right after your 20 kilometer run around the lake." Chris laughs.

So I love track. I do track. But definitely not at 7:00 in the morning.

"You think you're so funny?! Well let me show you what I think is funny!" Eva screams and lunges for Chris but Duncan and Geoff hold her back.

[I seriously thought she was gonna year my uncle to shreds.]

"Eva calm down." Courtney whispers.

"Yeah kinda. Challenge starts in thirty seconds." Chris laughs.

Eva starts muttering to herself and popping her knuckles.

Chris blows his bull horn again. People start running. I get ahead of them all.

"Hadley!" Chris calls.

I pull Bridgette and Noah along with me just incase.

"Hey!" Bridgette says before she realizes it's me.

"Oh what's up?" Noah and Bridge look at me curiously.

"I don't know Uncle Chris called. If he wants to give me special treatment, you guys with me, he can't. Bridge being on my team, and Noah the opposite." I say and they nod.

"Whatcha need UC." I say knowing he hates that.

"Fine. Since you're all here. You can take the short cut together. Just look tired when you get to the mess hall."

Noah pleads me with his eyes to agree. I know how bad he is with sports and physical stuff. Bridgette shakes her head slightly to agree.

"Fine." I say and Chris shoves a map in my hand. "Thanks UC!" I call.

"So." I say as we walk-jog to camp.

"Noah as much as you'll hate it. We have to get on the main trail before they get suspicious." I say.

Noah looks like a sad puppy dog. Ah man.

"It's only seven kilometers. We'll be slightly ahead so we won't have to go fast." Bridgette says.

[Thank the world for Bridgette.]

"Fine." Noah sighs.

We see Tyler and DJ run by. We file behind them so we don't get caught.


We have a half of a kilometer left before I hear a thud. Me and Bridgette whip around to see Noah on the ground. Unconscious.


Noah lays on the ground unconscious. I have a minor freak out moment.


I continue to try and get his attention although it won't work.

"Noah!" Owen exclaims.

He easily scoops him up and runs to the mess hall. Me and Bridgette quickly follow.

"Clear a table stat!" Owen calls an lays Noah on the table.

He wakes up thank gosh.

[Okay. So maybe I had a teeny tiny freak out. Noah's my friend and it was kinda freaky.]

"Hey Scouuuuuuut." He says kinda loopy.

"Hey Noah." I laugh.

Harold finally comes in. "Where were you?! We just lost the challenge!" Courtney screams.

[Okay so she's a sweet girl but she worries too much.]

"Time for dinner!" Chris says showing food. Like real food. Good tasty food.

Everyone rushes to the table.

"Don't eat too much or you'll fall asleep too early in the next challenge." Chris whispers in my ear and I nod.

I eat a piece of turkey and drink a water before I stop.

"Not hungry?"

I turn around to see Duncan raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nah I don't eat much." I say. I stare at the ground until he speaks up again.

"I know about the shortcut."


"Don't worry, I won't tell, if you help me out."

"And how can I help you out?"

"Be my pretend girlfriend."

"What? Why?"

"I really really like Gwen but I can only make her jealous to make me like her."

I like Noah. That's not fair to "date" Duncan. I mean Noah doesn't like me anyways but it's still not right.

"No. I like someone else."


Oh shit. How'd he know?

"I can tell by the way you act. The guy is oblivious or doesn't feel the same. And by how hot tough and sweet you are, he's just oblivious."

Did Duncan just complement me?

"Thanks for the complement?" I say more of a question.

"And here's what you do. Wait a couple of weeks if you last that long. Because people will think were crazy cuz it's only day two. That will leave no positive affect on Gwen. So wait a while and then we'll do the whole fake girlfriend boyfriend thing." I add.

"Deal." We shake hands.


"Welcome the awake-a-thon."

"Wait the what?" Owen asks.

"The awake-a-thon. You stay up for as long as you can. Last person standing wins it for their team." Chris laughs.

"So the 20 k and huge buffet were all apart of your plan to make us sleepier?" Gwen asks.

"Yep." He laughs.

"Man he's good." She says.

"Now go go go!" Chris laughs.


Three Hours

"So you and Noah ey?" Bridgette nudges my shoulder.

"Just friends I guess." I laugh slightly.

"But you want it to be more?"

[Open. Book.]


"Hey Bridge!" Geoff plops down next to her.

She gives me a look.

"It's cool." I whisper.

"Thanks." She whispers back.

I go sit next to Noah.

"Hey." I smile.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He snarls venom dripping in his voice.


What is he talking about?

"Don't play stupid. I heard you talking to Duncan."

"He's not my boyfriend."

Tears form in my eyes.

"Right. Save the bull shit."

I stand up and walk over where I can't be seen.

The tears fall. I try to hold them back. I haven't cried since the accident.

Twelve Hours


I quickly wipe my eyes. I look up to see Gabe.

"Hi Gabe!" I try to seem like my normal self with nothing wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I answer a bit too quickly.

"Yeah right. Talk to ma!"

I manage a laugh.

"It's nothing. I don't even know why I cried over it."

"Okay then." He smiles.

Next thing I know, I'm being held up in the air.

"Put me down!" I laugh between breaths.

"Oh so now you like Gabe?" I look to see a very pissed Noah.

[oh fuck me. Why the hell does it always look bad?]

Gabe sets me down.

"You know what Noah? I like YOU! I fucking like YOU! Not Gabe not Duncan. You have no fucking idea what that conversation about."

"Hey-" Duncan starts then notices my rant and steps back to Gabe's side.

I continue.

"Quit fucking eavesdropping and maybe you wouldn't think me and and Duncan are dating."

By now everyone awake and UC are looking at me.

"And if you didn't notice while you sent me off crying, Gabe was the one that cheered me up. So PIPE THE FUCK DOWN!"

I just had to add a Jenna Marbles quote(PIPE THE FUCK DOWN)

"And I haven't fucking cried since my father died!" I screamed.

Then tears start again. Why did I just say that out loud. I never talk about my dad. Ever.

I stomp past Uncle Chris and go to the cabins.

I throw myself onto the bed and curl under the covers.

I can't help but cry. My dad was the most important person to me. And he's gone. He was in a plane accident when I was eleven. He was flying in from Montreal, Quebec. It was my eleventh birthday and I had begged for him to fly in. He finally gave in. And then the plane burst into flames. He was only one hour away. Mom has blamed me ever since.

Get the picture?


I don't bother to look up because I know it's Uncle Chris.

"It's all my fault." I scream when I sit up. He sits beside me.

"No. It's not Hadley. Scout would never want you to blame yourself."

"I shouldn't have convinced him to fly in!"

"You couldn't control that plane. Freak accidents happen."

"Mom has blamed me. Max(brother) has blamed me. Even I blame me."

"I want you to stay with me after the show is over. If you get voted off, you can stay just not compete." My head snaps up immediately.


"Yes really."

"Thank you." I hug him.

"The hair, watch it." He says and I laugh.

"Now lets go finish that challenge." He says and I follow him.


"Hadley I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Noah rushes over to me.

"Save it." I snap.


"No. Don't."

I quickly walk away from him.

Thirty-Six Hour

"Hey." I look up to see Gabe.


"Come look at this." He leads me to Noah and Cody.

Noah is hugging Cody and kissing his ear.

I take out my phone and snap a pick.

Noah quickly pops up, "AHHHH!" Then Cody pops up and screams.

"Hahahah!" Me and Gabe bend over laughing.

"Delete it!" Cody and Noah scream.

"Nah!" Me and Gabe laugh.


"Scout I need to talk to you." Noah drags me away.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

Next thing I know his lips are pressed on mine and I am enjoying it. Sparks and fireworks are setting off on my lips. I wonder if he feels the same?

"That was... Nice." He says after our lips part.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"I'm really sorry Scout. I really had no idea."

"Just don't do it again." I sigh.

"We'd better head back." Noah says and I nod. !

Gabe is shooting daggers at Noah. What's up with him?


Sixty Hours

Me, Duncan, Gabe, Heather, Eva, Gwen, and Trent are still in.


Seventy Hours

Trent and Eva have passed out.

"Drop out now and save you the trouble." Heather says and then she passes out.

"Yep right." I mutter.

"Time to kick it up a notch. Last night I said to chef 'darn it these campers are tough' so time for the history of Canada, a pop up book."

[Are you kidding me?]


Eighty Hours

"So lets talk." Duncan says. Gwen and Gabe are in conversation.


"Favorite color?"

"Pink and black. You?"

"Teal/blue and black. Favorite subject?"

"Spanish. You?"

"Hate 'em all." He says making me laugh.

We talk for a bit.

"I-I'm so sleepy." I stand up only to hit the ground hard.


"Good morning." I sit up to see Uncle Chris.

"Morning. What happened." I mumble.

"You hit hard at eighty-two hours. Your team lost. Eva was sent home because she had a rant over her MP3 player." He explains and I nod.

"Haha four boys and Bridgette freaked out when you hit." Chris tries to cheer me up.

"Which boys?"

"Noah, Gabe, Cody, and Duncan. You got some admirers ey?"

"Haha well what can I say? I'm irresistible." I laugh jokingly.

"You have a challenge today."

"Great." I mutter.




Uh yeah.


Total Drama Island- Who Will She ChooseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin