Chapter 10

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I got up and went downstairs to get something to eat. Axl was still asleep in the bed. I walked down the stairs and duff was the only one there.

"Hey what are you doing up so early?" I grinned. "I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep so I just came down here to fix something to eat" he said. "Oh cool what did you fix?" I questioned.

"Bacon and eggs, I didn't cook alot because I figured everybody would be asleep for a while,there's some left if you want it" he said.

"Thanks duff" I smiled.

I fixed my plate then sat at the table.

"So are you going to the doctor?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm going to call and make an appointment today."

"Wait isn't it to early to tell anything?" He said.

"Well you don't know how long I could've been pregnant, It's to early to tell the gender and whose the father but I'm jut going for a checkup." I said.

"Oh" he looked down and continued to eat his breakfast.

"I really want Taco Bell, or some fried chicken, maybe pizza" I looked down then got up and grabbed my keys. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I don't I want some fried chicken so I'm just going to go get some of that." I said.

"Do you want me to take you?" Duff said.

"Um sure" I said.

"You're still in your pajamas" he chuckled. "Eh who cares, we'll just go through the drive thru" I said and opened the door to leave. We got in the car and drove to the nearest KFC.

We walked in the place, people talking to duff getting pictures and autographs, a few people asking me "are you his girlfriend or axls?" I just hope people don't think me and duff are together. I love axl and I don't want to ruin our relationship.

We got our chicken and left and went back to the house.

I walked in the house and everybody was in the living room watching TV.

"WE BOUGHT CHICKEN" duff yelled.

"Everybody was asleep, so me and duff wen and bought chicken for everybody." I said.

"Aww thanks dani and duff" tiffany said.

Axl got up and walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

We walked outside near the pool.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"What if this is duffs baby? What will happen to us?" He asked.

"Axl.. I just don't know.. I need time to think over a lot of things, like what are we going to do when the baby comes, will you stop touring? No axl don't stop touring, but we don't even have any kind of baby stuff, I mean this place isn't really baby proof, there's vodka everywhere you look!" I giggled. He laughed.  "I mean I'm already almost 8 months pregnant! We don't have all the stuff we need.." I said

"Well, babe one day we'll go baby stuff shopping, and if you're having a baby shower then you'll get a lot of stuff." He said.

"I just won't know what to do if it's duffs baby.. I mean if it is, it's going to be really awkward between all of us, but if it's yours than it will be okay.. I just don't know..I'm sorry I sound like the biggest whore right now." I said. Axl tugged me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. "No no no babe it's ok, you're not a whore, if it's duffs baby, we'll just see what happens, come on let's go inside now" axl brought me back inside.

Duffs POV

I don't know what I'll do if that's my baby. I love dani, but axl loves her and she loves axl.. If it's my baby, what if me and axl get into this big fight thing? I need to talk to axl later.

"Dani we saved you some chicken, axl you too" tiffany handed them the bucket.

"Axl can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Sure dude" we went outside by the pool.

"Ok I need to tell you something." I said

He nodded his head for me to go on.

"I'm in love with Danielle. I'm sorry axl. But remember this might be my baby too." I said tensing up a bit. He glared at me with a stern look.

Next thing I remember I was floating in the pool and all I heard was "axl why did you do that?!?!" I went underwater.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling me out of the water. It was slash.

I could faintly here people yelling in the back ground.

Slash's POV

"He's not breathing! He needs mouth to mouth" all the guys backed away. "TIFF you're up. Dani is fighting with axl she can't do it" tiffany sighed.

Tiffany gave duff mouth to mouth.

Duff started spitting up water and taking breaths in between.

"TIFF you're a good kisser" duff winked.

"Hey now duff" Steven said. Everybody laughed.

Danielle's POV

"AXL WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled at axl.

"He's in love with you!" Axl said

"axl I know! I don't mind! He just wanted to let you know!" I yelled back.


"I-I-I don't know." I said.

"You don't know if you love him?!" He said kinda loudly. "That mean you my love him." He said sternly. He sighed then left and slammed the door.

I sat on the couch and started crying with my hands over my face. I heard the back door open. "Dani are you ok?" I heard tiff ask me. "No just, nobody talk to me right now." I went upstairs.

I shut the door and sat on my bed.

I thought to myself. What am I going to do. I knew axl would leave. Me, axl and duff are the only ones who don't even know the gender of the baby. We wanted it to be a surprise. But now everything is just messed up.. I was going to the doctor tomorrow to see who the father was. Axl and duff are suppose to come with me but I don't even know if axl is coming back.. He's still touring so he better come back. I can't take this much stress.

I got up and went downstairs. I grabbed the bucket and chicken and went upstairs.

"Hey dani" slash said as I walked upstairs.

I don't turn around I just held up my hand and flipped them off.

"Dang shes pissed." Slash said.

I slammed the door and sat on my bed eating the chicken and I turned on the TV.

It was around 11 pm.

I turned out the lights and under the covers and went to bed.

In the middle of the night around 1 am I heard my door open an somebody get into my bed beside me.

I turned around squinting my eyes.

"Hey babe, I'm so sorry for yelling at you like that. I love you so much." It was axl. I turned around and snuggled into his chest and he started rubbing my stomach.



Hello guys sorry this was a short chapter! Next chapter you'll find out the father and the gender :) have a lovely day! ☻ vote and comment!

Sweet child o' mine (axl rose fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon