Chapter 9

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Ive been stuck in this glass box for weeks. I refuse to tell them anything about the time travel machine, mainly because I don't really know how it works anyway. I can see in his eyes, Mr White is loosing his patients, I assume he will resort to a more violent form of interrogation soon. I am curious to learn about what type of torture they have in the future.
There are multiple prisoners in the box's around me. They're all quite though, none of them speak or even mutter to themselves. They show signs of innocence and falsely accused behaviour. They're probably in the same boat as me just without the knowledge and extremely good looks.
They never take me out of this cage, no form of manipulation has worked so far. If only I could make them move me, but they would know. They possess a much higher level of intelligence than the people I usually escape from. If I decided to carry out my plan immediately, they would've seen right through it hence why I'm starting it now.

"Hello, are you alright?" I ask the prisoner in the cell right next to mine. She's the only other human I can see and her sobs are breaking the silence. They generally bring in new prisoners every week from what I've observed so far, the others must be easier to interrogate, I assume that not one person in here is actually guilty of committing a real crime; especially since the human occupying the cell next to me is a little girl.
The girl shuddered at my voice.
"I'm Catherine, what's your name?" I continue in an attempt to calm her. She wipes her nose on her hand and looks up at me.
"J...Jess." She says almost silently.
I smile at her and say "Jess, that's a lovely name. How old are you Jess?"
She looks up at me with tearful eyes and says "Eleven... How old are you?"
"I'm 17, nearly 18, my Birthday's in June. Not long now." I answer with my smile growing.
I notice some of the other prisoners looking over at us. All of them are alien to me, none of them look like they are guilty of anything. All of them are wearing tatters of clothes, parts of which have been torn away by something I don't even want to think of.
I ask Jess "Can they understand us?" Whilst nodding my head in their direction, not taking my eyes off them.
Before Jess has time to answer, one of the aliens says "Yes, we all can." In a sad tone.
"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I say quickly, feeling guilty about not addressing them directly.
"It's alright, we'll soon be dead anyway so politeness is the least of our worries." another alien says who appears to be male.
At his words, Jess starts to panic and more tears start to stream down her face.
Just as I am about to tell Jess not to worry, Mr White comes in followed by four armed guards.
One of the guards stands outside of my cell and Mr White addresses the whole room and says "Well well, having a nice little chat are we?"
"Oh yeah, just discussing the meaning of life." I answer with a smile.
The guard outside of my cell tells me to put my arms through the two holes in the glass wall so I do. He puts some advanced form of handcuffs on me and then let's me out. Every weapon in the room is pointed at me and Mr White says "Come with me."

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