Chapter 11

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As soon as my eyes open, a fist comes straight at my face.
"Ahahaha. If that's the hardest you can hit, you might as well put bricks in your handbag and just hit me with that." I say to the male guard who hit me before I spit blood onto the floor.
"You will lose your sense of humour soon, you won't be able to keep it up forever. I will break you." Mr White says with an annoyed tone in his voice.
"You sure about that?" I reply with a bloody smile. I've been in this 'interrogation' room for almost two weeks now and they've used pretty much every 'tool' on me so far. Currently, I'm hanging from the ceiling chains in nothing but my underwear, nothing I'm not used to.
No, I'm not into any weird dominance thing or anything, I just mean that as a spy, I find it more effective to let my enemy think they've caught me when really, it's me catching them. I always prefer working from the inside out when I have to take down a whole group. One of the most popular methods of 'interrogation' is stripping the captive down so they feel 'bare' and then doing whatever the hell they want.

"What exactly is it that you want from me? You claim this is an interrogation but you've barely asked me any questions." I ask in an attempt to gain sympathy from any of the guards, I know I'll get nothing from White.
"You claim to be from the future, yet you have no proof. You can't tell me how your 'time machine' worked or provide any details on how you gained  unauthorised access to one of my ships!" Mr White answers with a smug look on his face. He nods at the guard and he hits me again, this time he used his anger from the 'hand bag' comment and if I'm being honest, it wasn't a bad punch.
I smile as I turn my head to face White."Bull, that's not why you're keeping me here. What's the real reason?" I ask.
The corners of his lips lift into a sinister smile.
"Leave us." He turns and days to the guards in the room.
"Do you remember the name Valencia? I suppose it has been quite a while since you last heard that name so, I'll forgive you if you've forgotten." He replies.
"Yeah, what about it?" I slur after he hits me in the face, this one causing my mouth to fill with blood. I spit to the side of where Mr White is stood.
"That's my name." He says simply as his smile grows.
He steps to the left, where the blood is, about to leave but slips. I use this opportunity to kick the inside of his knee outwards and then wrap my legs around his neck. I use the chains that bind me to pull myself up and squeeze my legs as tightly as possible.
I hear scuffling coming from outside the door and then it opens. The first person I see is Chekov as he rushes forward.
"Oh, well we were here to rescue you but it doesn't really look like you need it..." He says as he stares at me and Valencia.
"We?" I ask, just before Kirk, Spock and a man I don't recognise enter the room.
I drop Valencia as he is no longer struggling and Chekov runs over and breaks my chains. My battered body instantly slumps to the ground, lucky for me, Chekov steadies me.
"Thank you." I say as I look into his eyes.
The man I don't recognise rushes over and starts to examine me.
"Please tell me you're some sort of Doctor." I say weakly.
"Call me Bones." He says as he briefly looks up at my face before returning to his examination.
"Can you walk?" He asks.
I try to stand up. On shaky legs, I take a step forward before falling into Bones' open arms. He was ready for that to happen.
"I'm sorry." I say as I rest my heavy head on his shoulder. Trying to choke Valencia with my legs took all of my remaining energy.
In response to my apology, he lifts me up and starts to carry me.
"Don't apologise yet." He says as he starts to walk towards the door.
"Let's go." Kirk says as he nods to Bones.
"We must hurry." Spock says. "They'll bring reinforcements soon." He continues.
Just before we leave the interrogation room, I move my head to look back at Valencia and see his chest rise with a breath.
I'm carried all the way to a courtyard that has a Spaceship docked in the middle of it.
"My weapons." I say in a whisper.
"Don't try to speak, save your energy." Bones replies.
We enter the ship and as soon as the door closes behind us, I can feel it moving slightly.
I'm taken directly to some sort of hospital wing, based off the supplies around the room and the fact that Bones is a doctor so this is he first place I should be taken to anyway.
He gently places me on a bed and starts to examine me in more detail whilst the others who rescued me stand and watch. He uses machines and types into a keyboard right next to my bed.
"Broken bones, crushed ribs, you're lucky theirs no internal bleeding." He says as he continues to look at his screen.
"Thank you." I say as my eyelids start to feel heavy.
He looks at me and smiles before giving a nod, as if to say 'you're welcome'.
Whilst Bones begins to treat my wounds and numb the pain, I look over to Chekov who holds up my bow and shakes it so that I can see it. A smile spreads onto my face as I feel myself slipping into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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