Chapter 3

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"Look, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already, when it was only the two of you. You clearly know how to get me home...or at least, have an idea, so if I help you with these...Klingon things, you could help me get home.

Sound fair?" I ask with sincerity in my voice.

Silence. No one speaks.

"Look, I understand...If this situation was reversed I would definitely hesitate. But we haven't got time to wait...2 minuets left...I would gain nothing from hurting you." I say, closing my argument.

"...Okay" Kirk States, causing everyone to raise their eyebrows in shock. I see a few people like Chekov, Sulu and Scotty start to smile. But I also see Spock and Uhura's curious expressions melt into ones of disappointment.

Spock doesn't even bother to say anything as he knows that Kirks mind is made up and no logical answer would make him change it.

"One minute left Keptin" Checkov says calmly.

"Okay. Uhura and...Catherine... let's go." Kirk says with a lot of hesitation in his voice.

Placing my bow and arrow on the floor Kirk looks up at me and asks "What are you doing? Your going to need that!"

"Well I imagine as soon as we get to them, they will confiscate weapons and this is one of a kind. I'm not leaving it with them. Besides, I won't need it for my...plan." I answer confidently.

"...Right...lets just go" Kirk says, unable to find any other words.

I hesitate slightly, weighing my options and decide to take my bow with me. A backup plan.

We take a shuttle craft...thing over to the Klingon ship and, as I predicted, they begin to search for weapons before we even step onto their ship.

It's dark, musty and it takes my eyes a minuet to adjust. A foul smell fills my nostrils and I gag reflexively, putting one hand over my mouth and the other over my stomach.

"Ohh wow...I'd rather they just kill me now." I say with a groggy voice, trying not to breathe through my nose.

Kirk just smirks and Uhura glares at me, telling me to shut up with her eyes.

A creature that I can only assume to be the second in command approaches us and begins to speak.

"He says we have to follow him." Uhura states with a gulp.

We do as they say. And now, fully disarmed, we enter what I believe to be the main control room. The area looks fairly similar as it is where the 'Captain' was stood when they made the warning call.

Remembering that we saw it as a video call, I manage to find where the camera is and stare at it as I'm being pushed forward.

The tallest creature steps forward. He is the only one not wearing a mask and he is the one who made the call.

Speaking in an unusual tone of voice that is angry but also calm and exaggerated, we wait impatiently for him to finish.

"...He to give him the" Uhura hesitantly says, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Kirk, still looking at the Captain, leans in towards me "I hope you have a good plan." he whispers.

"...Me too." I reply with a deep breath.

"Okay, tell him that I want a fight. Me against him. They're supposed to be all about honour, the honourable thing to do would be for them to accept my challenge. So no weapons...just us." I say confidently, speaking to Uhura but staring the Captain right in the eye.

"What?! Your crazy!! He's more than twice your size!" Kirk shouts, breaking his gaze from the Captain and staring at me in disbelief.

"Ohh really?...Didn't notice." I reply sarcastically.

Turning to Uhura I say "Do it." My tone of voice turning serious.

Uhura looks at Kirk briefly, asking for permission with her eyes.

Kirk nods and Uhura begins to translate hesitantly.

The captains eyes narrow slightly as he listens to what Uhura is saying. Before she has finished, the Klingons erupt in a fit of laughter.

"Ask him if he's scared." I tell Uhura in response to their laughter.

She does and the captain replies with "ahh! So you think you have a chance at beating me?! This is an insult!"

After Uhura has translated I take a step forward and am now standing face to face with the Captain, likes in a stand off.

"If you think I'll be so easy to beat, what have you got to loose? I must warn you though. Don't underestimate me."

I can tell that the captain is starting to take me seriously now as his men have stopped laughing and his face is slightly confused.

"I win, you let us three board our ship and leave with the ship and the crew unharmed. Go back to your own...planet? and never again harm innocent. If you get what ever it was you wanted. That's the reason I am giving you."

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