Chapter 10

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I've been following Mr White for about 10 minutes and have weaved my way through multiple corridors, all with bare white walls. It's an exaggeration on the well known tactic of confusion, too many narrow paths to get lost in and too many left and right turns. Luckily for me, my training allows me to remember pretty much anything so I'd be able to walk back to my cell with my eyes closed in under 5 minutes.
"So, where are we going?" I ask whilst still paying attention to the direction we're going in.
"Somewhere you're going to love." Mr White answers as his pace gets faster. One of the guards behind me pushes me forward causing me to stumble a little. Whilst walking faster, I turn my head around and see that one of the guards seem familiar somehow. I don't remember exactly but the eyes, something about them...
I face forward again and look down at my hands, just to see if I could find a way to get out of these cuffs. Not that I would want to get out yet anyway, this is the first time I've seen daylight since I've been in that stupid box, need to play this right.
"Don't you have that 'trial by combat' thing here? Seems like the type of place that would, but you'd make the fight extremely unfair in favour of your champion or animal." I start as I tilt my head slightly to the right whilst staring at Mr.White. "And then of course, you would be furious when I beat them and send in as many 'Warriors' as you have and I'd beat all of them," I continue. I look at one of the guard and lean in to say "Sorry," and then follow with "and you would be far too angry to notice the  me coming for you." I finish with a smile. My 'little story' worked because his head moves ever so slightly to the left, and the corner of his mouth rises. He's probably just thinking that this is all talk, which it might be. I don't know what they have here. For all I know, they would just have to press a button and I'll be vaporised instantly. He may have an unlimited army or someone who's better than me. Yeah, I know how good I am, but part of that comes from never underestimating my enemy. And as impossible as it seems, someone could be better.
"Ahh, here we are. Your new accommodation." Mr.White says with a sinister tone. The door they shove me through is rusted and looks like it's been trampled on by an elephant. The walls are dark brow, also covered in rust and fairly beaten down, I think I'm going to need a tetanus  jab after looks like all the dents have originated from the inside, and not all by the same thing either, each one is a different size. There are blood stains on the floor that all lead down to a grid in the middle of the room. It is a dimly lit room, but I can still make out all of the 'devises' in each part. One wall has long chains bolted into it with some sort of water pressure pump next to it, another has chains dangling from the ceiling. In a different corner is a table with multiple blades, all different shapes and sizes. And in the middle, directly over the grid, is a metal table with restraints for the wrists, ankles, stomach and neck with what looks like an adjustable headrest and a table next to it with multiple torture devices.
This should be fun. The only positive thing I notice is the fact that the chains and the restraints on the table don't look all that strong. I imagine it's due to all the, probably innocent, people who had the pleasure of using them before me. And the dents in the walls, they tell me that others have escaped the chains and tried to get out of the room all together. I wonder what stopped them.
"Aww, and here I thought you were going to set me free." I say with a smile.
Mr.White smiles and scoffs with a laugh before looking at me with a sinister glint filling his eyes. He walks over to me and places his hand on my cheek, stares into my eyes whilst he slowly tilts his head and lifts my chin up slightly.
"Don't worry, we'll soon wipe that smile off your pretty little face." He says as his smile grows bigger.
"Why would I worry?" I reply with a cheeky grin. Ha, threatening to 'wipe my smile off', I've heard threats a lot worse than that and I've endured things far more than painful, all whilst keeping my 'pretty little smile' plastered onto my face.
"That there," he starts as he points to the chains on the wall near the water pump "is the strongest pressure pump on this side of the Galaxy, it can crush your bones within seconds. There," he continues as he forcefully pulls my chin to look at the chains dangling from the ceiling, "are the sharpest and most accurate blades in the whole Galaxy. And that," he carries on, pointing at the table in the middle, "well that gives me the opportunity to do whatever I want with you..." He finishes whilst he stands up straight and finally lets go of my chin.
I stay silent for a moment, I want him to think his little 'introduction' go to me.
"Well, thanks for the tour but," I reply whilst looking him up and down, "aren't all that impressive." I continue with a grin.
His jaw drops and anger flares in his eyes. More intense torture? Worth it, just to wipe that smug look off his stupid face.
"Start her off on the pressure pump." He tells the guards as he walks into my 'new accommodation'.

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