Chapter 2

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I catch up to them in no time at all and after a few left and right turns we reach another white door.

"Keptin on ze bridge" Chekov instinctively says.

"What's going on Mr.Sulu?" Kirk asks as he sits in a chair that is directly in the centre of the room.

"It looks like a Klingon war ship sir" Sulu replies.

"Woah..." I say as I am amazed at what I see, still not 100% sure if it is real or just some sort of hallucination caused by the machine Valencia created.

With my eyebrows raised I look around the room they call 'the bridge' in admiration and astonishment.

At the front of the room is a big screen that shows what can only be described as dark space and a huge space...ship thing directly in front of us.

"Sorry, what did you say your name was again?" Scotty asks as he turns to me and furrows his brow.

"I didn't" I reply leaning towards him waiting for his reaction.

"I'm Catherine" I continue with a smile.

"Ahh, pleasure to meet you Cathey, I'm Scotty" he says just before the 'ship' shakes violently.

Putting my left foot backwards to steady myself and my left arm out to help support Scotty, I immediately catch on to the fact that the 'Klingons' are the bad ones.

"Shields at 70%" Sulu states.

The ship shakes again

"40%... Captain, we can't take another hit like that" Sulu explains.

An image appears on the big screen.

A brown, humanoid creature with leather-like skin, ridges along the top of its head and piercings all the way down its long noise appears on the screen. With cold, dark icy-blue eyes and a deep voice it begins to speak in a strange and unfamiliar language.

"Uhura" Kirk says with his head moving slightly to the left but his eyes still glued onto the screen with the strange creature on it.

"He wants the captain to identify himself" Uhura translates.

"I am James Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise" Kirk says standing up.

"We are not near Qo'noS nor are we in restricted space. You are not within your rights to fire on us, stand down" Kirk continues, his tone of voice getting more serious with each word.

Uhura takes a few steps forward, still behind Kirk, now stood closer to Spock and translates.

"What is that thing?" I whisper, leaning into Scotty, my eyes still fixed on the alien.

"Ahh, that be a Klingon. They're a very strong race, very honourable, but they hate humans" Scotty replies with one corner of his top lip rising ever so slightly.

The creature started to speak again and I could feel Uhura's expression darken without even looking at her. I knew that whatever this 'thing' was saying, it wasn't good. I was probably going to die in the future. I would just be missing to my family and friends, they would never know what happened to me, they wouldn't even be able to bury my body.

This made me angry, the thought of my loved ones looking for me but never actually able to find me. Always wondering in the back of their minds what happened to Catherine Green, their Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister, Cousin, Niece...Friend.

I couldn't die here, I couldn't do that to the people I care most about in the whole world... I wouldn't do that to them.

"He wants the Captain and board their ship immediately, or else they will...destroy us...and that we must give them a reason not to...they have a device that has disabled our warp capabilities... and he is giving us 5 minutes to board" Uhura says with her voice full of hesitation just before the transmission ends.

Kirk's sad eyes drop down but he still maintains his strong and confident posture.

Still stood, everyone turns to him, waiting for his response, his plan of action.

"Let me go with you" I say, being the first to break the silence.

Everyone turns to me in shock.

"I have an me" I continue with a nod, staring straight into Kirk's curious eyes.

"And what makes you think we can trust you?" Spock ask's, causing Kirks eyes to narrow slightly.

"I guess I'll just have to prove it" I reply with a smile slowly creeping upon my face.

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