Bundle of joy part 2

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7 months
Blue been staying with me because my mom kicked her out and she didn't have a place to go, so she stayed with her suppose to be "boyfriend" but he ended up hitting her so I said she can stay here. We are pretty close since I'm 21 and she just turned 16.
Blue:Sis Faith is throwing up!!!
Neveah:baby are you ok?!?
Faith:Mwommy mwy stwomach hwurts
I'm really worried Faith has been sick for months and I'm beyond worried.
Blue:We should bring her to the hospital Neh Neh
Neveah:Alright get her dressed
Blue put Neveah in baggy pants and her pink uggs with her army shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun, I had a blue shirt on and my leggings I really looked pregnant. I put my blue uggs on. Blue looked sexy as hell she had her tight blue skinny jeans and her crop top with her 11s you could tell she's my sister.
At the hospital
Doctor: well our computer says that she's under lots of stress which is causing her to throw up what she eats. Faith can you tell us what's going on?
Faith:my mwommy and dwaddy swaid thwey was gwetting mwarried and thwey nwever dwid now I'm weally swad.
Neveah:Faith I'm sorry. I say crying. I couldn't give that to you baby I..I love you
Faith:Mwommy dwont cwy it's Okway
6 hours later
Blue: sis ahhhh iiii feel the baby ahhhh my waterrr broke ahhh
Neveah:ok sis calm down
I'm huge so it was hard for me to walk my ass upstairs and help my sister to my car then I had to get Faith.
At the hospital
Blue gave birth under 6 minutes to a baby boy as well I'm really happy for her.
At home
We are at home and I feel like I'm gonna burst any second blue named her baby boy Andre. That's a cute name tbh. Andre looks more like Blue so Chris has to go somewhere.
Next day
I gave birth last night a hour after we got home. I could already tell my baby is gonna be a player. He is lightskin with Blue eyes and and looks just like August. I named him Aubrey. I could tell Aubrey and Andre will have the bitches. All the kids are sleeping and me and Blue are deciding to talk.
Blue:Girl it's so funny how are kids are gonna be the same ages
Neveah:I'm happy asf but I'm tired giving birth was so damn hard
Blue:I'm so happy that were so close I love you sister
Neveah:I love you more bitch
The next day
Faith is choosing to be a a great older sister to Aubrey and Andre she picked out there outfits and is helping me and Blue out with them.
Neveah and Blue :Faith I love the outfits
Faith: well it's mwe I cweary hwave thwe bwest stwle
Faith is way to much for a four year old her personality and her attitude. I love her so much.
Me and Blue finally have time to go shopping yes we look like hot mamas at the mall. When we get to footlocker I buy thousands of sneakers for Faith to fill her collection Blue does the same and I buy sneakers for Aubrey not a lot because he's only 3 days old. I head to the food court and guess who Blue and I see we see Beyonce and guess who starts a scence Blue does.
Blue: So now your fhucking stalking me
Beyonce: What do you mean I'm just on my way with MY man
Then she does it she throws her drink right at mom's face then walks off
When we get home I put Aubrey to bed then I read Faith a bed time story and she falls asleep on me.

Will Beyonce press charges for the drink that was thrown ?

Instagram: Angie180x

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