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Neveahs Pov:

Pastor: Do you, Jake Sanchez take Neveah Knowles to be your wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ; from this day forward until death do you part ?

Jake: I do... he says and looks at me with a bright smile and tears of joy filling his eyes

Pastor: Do you, Neveah Knowles take Jake Sanchez to be your husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ; from this day forward until death do you part ?

Neveah: I....... I can't do this.. I say staring at Jake and the pastor crying

I hear indistinct conversations in the background of people in shock I even heard Faith crying and my mom constantly hushing her so Aubrey doesn't start following her and cry. I didn't know what was the hardest part.... Telling I Jake I can't marry him, hearing our daughter in the background, or the puzzled looks on everyone's faces. I take a quick glimpse at Trey's face and he just has this stern face as if he saw this coming. I didn't want to pretend and go through with all this when this isn't what I wanted at least not right now. I love Jake don't get me wrong but I don't think were ready for this.

Pastor: SILENCE ALL SILENCE IN THE TEMPLE... we will allow the two to go in the back and talk about this

I didn't need to talk, I don't need to talk about any of this I made my decision and that's that I don't mean to hurt Jake but if I pretend just to make my family and friends and vice versa happy I'll just be hurting

Jake: What the hell Neveah... What do you mean you can't marry me

Neveah: I...I don't know Jake... I say while crying... I love you don't get me wrong you're my first love -(gco)

Jake: BULLSHIT if I were your "first love" you would marry me after all the shit I did for your selfish ass and this is how you repay me

Neveah: I never needed you do to shit for me you offered... I say balling my eyes out.... You walked back into my life and our daughters you didn't give a shit about us you're the selfish one and call me what you want but remember I was grinding before you showed up

Jake: So what now ?

Neveah: We can still be together Jake just not married

Jake: Be with you? Seriously I am DONE with you I don't want anything to do with you I just want to be there for our daughter other then that you're dead to me now go explain what happened I am out

Neveah: Wait NO JAKE please don't leave me... PLEASE Jake... I say while falling to the ground crying

He left me again. I didnt mean to mess anything up I just wasnt comfortable marrying him knowing that we just got together again 1 year ago. We rushed so quick into this marriage that I wasn't falling in love with him I was falling out of love for him.

Kayla and Blue: Girl what the fuck just happened out there.. They say rushing to my side while I am on the ground

Neveah: I dont even know I just looked at the crowd and saw Trey and I just couldn't marry Jake

Kayla: OMGGG you still have feelings for him don't you?

Blue: Still have feelings for who ? Man what the fuck is going on.. Blue asks confused

Neveah: Before you came back my life was shit then Trey came and he helped me with Faith and Aubrey they loved him.. Then I got kidnapped... I say while crying... and he came and helped me I was so happy and I grew to have feeling for him but then we couldn't be together since I found out he had a girlfriend we messed around and shit and he was the best thing that happened to me until Jake came back.. I never thought I would like Trey again because I barely saw him and when I saw him today I just remembered I still have something for him.

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