chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After a week of Liam and Amy's anniversary , Zayn and Sophia were sitting in the park , their relationship had strengthened this past week. He had his hand around her and she rested her head on his shoulder , their fingers were entwined , he was singing to her , apparently she loves his voice , from the last time he sang at the anniversary.

Hey baby, when we are together

Doing things that we love

Every time you're near I feel like I'm in heaven

Feeling high

I don't want to let go, girl

I just need you to know, girl

I don't wanna run away

Baby, you're the one I need tonight

No promises

Baby, now I need to hold you tight

I just wanna die in your arms here tonight

''Yehhh, you have a really nice voice'' Sophia grinned

''Uhhh, what can I say that's one of my various talents'' Zayn teased Sophia

She hit him and he pretended to be hurt , she giggled a little

''I Love your laugh'' Zayn said , he leaned closer kissing her , the kiss was full of passion than before , he hopes that she was really starting falling for him.

Sophia again brought his work subject,he doesn't understand why she cares so much about this.

''Give me you hand'' Zayn told her

''Why?'' Sophia asked

''Jus give it to me'' He took her right hand and draw on it a tiny couple looking to each other and saying I love you.

''This is us'' Zayn looked at Sophia

She looked to him with her big blue eyes, and can see the love in his beautiful hazel eyes.

''I like it'' She smiled and kissed his cheek.

They cuddled a while , then his phone buzzed. He picked it and found it Louis.

''Louis.How are you man?'' Zayn said

''I'm great , you won't believe what happened!'' Louis exclaimed 

''Don't tell me you got in another trouble with Mr Macward'' Zayn rolled his eyes

''What! NO! stop talking about that man , he pisses me off'' Louis whooped

''Okay Okay'' Zayn laughed ''Tell me what happened''

''In Liam and Amy's party,after we sang,a young lady,Natalie,she came and told me how she liked the song,we talked and we even met two days ago again,apparently she likes the dump I'm and I've no problem with that she is so cute and funny'' 

Zayn could tell how Louis is excited.

''So,I told her she can meet my friends and...I settled a date the six of us, you and Sophia , Liam and Amy , me and Natalie'' Louis said

''You did what!'' Zayn shouted

''That's exactly what Liam said'' Louis laughed ''So , anyway ,tomorrow at 7''

''Louis..I can't believe what you did'' zayn said frustrated

''Come on man! I really like her'' Zayn can see Louis's plea

''Okay fine, I'll see with Sophia'' Zayn told him

''Yesssssss, thanks man'' Louis said really excited 

After he hunged up with Louis , he turned to Sophia and was trying to figure out how he'll bring this to her , he knows she hate the girlfriend and boyfriend things and espacially dates.

''You know I don't like those stuff'' Sophia said annoyed

''I know,but Louis really want that and he's my best friend'' Zayn tried to calm her

''Please....for me'' Zayn blushed

''Fine,only this time'' Sophia said

''I promise you'll have fun'' Zayn kissed her forehead

She stayed in his arms for the whole time and when he sings,she closes her eyes leaning closer.

Hi Guys! Hope you like the story till now :D

Natalie picture is on the side :D

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