chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to Esraa M. Ghoniem

Chapter 22

Summer is almost over. Autumn will come & leaves will sweep away everything. Mere cold will shiver people. Sun sets like everything else.

In the Architecture company there was good news...some others are bad. He's walking to his office his headphones on and eyes locked on the office. The same hazel walked in the first days of summer.

''Louis! it's great that you're here I've big news for you'' Zayn told Louis excited , Louis was sitting on Zayn's desk again playing with the papers as usual , this time Zayn ignored the mess he's making and brought up the news.

''I've a bigger news for you'' Louis exclamied and his eyes widen.

''What?'' Zayn asked concentrating on his laptop

''Marley's baaaack!'' Louis whooped

''What!'' This time his concentration was on Louis ''W-What about Sophia?''

Louis got off the desk ''She was an alternative , till Marely comes back''

''That's mean...'' Zayn started

''She's leaving'' Louis ended

''How come she didn't tell me!'' Zayn was annoyed

''You see each other every day , she must have told you but you forgot'' Louis said logically

''Actually, last week she went to her parents and told me some issues they want her to take care of and when she came back she's acting again completely strange. She moved again to her apartment and we're not seeing each other like any normal couple. I tried to ignore that and be patient , but I'm sick of that and I had to tell somebody'' He was hurt and sick

Louis sat next to him ''You know I hate seeing you hurt by anybody but you should talk to her maybe for the last time and make a decision.You know that I'm with you with any dicision you take''

Zayn smiled ''I really appreciate it'' Zayn stood up ''Okay let's go see Marley and talk to Sophia if she's there'' 

''And I'm going to have serious conversation with Marely about not having a party'' Louis joked making an upset baby face.

Zayn giggled

''Marleeeeeeeeeeeeeeey'' They both whooped , jumping on her and hugging her.

''My babies!'' She laughed ''I missed you so much'' She said hugging them tightly

''We miss you too'' They both said

''I missed your cookies too'' Louis blushed making them giggle

She showed them photos of the baby

''He looks alot like you'' Zayn told her

''Thanks god he looks like you , your husband is ugly'' Louis exclaimed

Zayn punch him in the arm and glared at him


Marley laughed ''Oh god ! I missed you Mrs Puff and Boo-Bear so much'' 

''Everyone is calling me this name because of you'' Zayn said rolling his eyes

''Marley! welcome back'' Mr Macward exclaimed

''Thank you sir. I'm happy I'm back too'' Marley smiled

''Zayn. Mrs Tomilson'' Mr Macward looked at them and left

''Stop laughing'' Louis yelled wishpering at Zayn

''You deserve it'' Zayn teased him

They all kept talking and laughing. While Zayn was looking around , his eyes felt on the person he was searching for , leaning on the door , her pierce covering her eyes , playing with the end of her blue dress.

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