chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Emily's P.O.V

The Hazel figure sitting in the porch reading The sound and The fury and murmuring something before turning each page. The sunrays light hover on him. His dark black hair shines a little , making the whole hazel figure looks beautiful as usual.

Sadness and confusion filled me the last couple days. On a Saturday night we used tp sit in the porch and wait to watch the sunrise , now he goes to sleep alone. He talkes and flirts even less even none. On Wednesday afternoon we go to a fancy dinner , now we barely eat together. Like these days happens now every day.

Wanting to ask but afraid to know the answer from , now , mysterious Zayn Malik.

I'm sitting tapping my legs and my pink hair falling on my shoulders , looking and wondering how to get into the mysterious hazel over there.

I started reassessing all the events that happen last days , picking me up from my job , visiting Liam and Amy , watching movies , playing soccer with Louis.

Nothing happened to bother him , even I didn't do anything.

I swallowed ''Zayn hunie! I getting something to drink. Want any?'' I waited paitently for his answer.

''No baby. Thanks'' He didn't even lift his gaze from the book , just a light smile. It's all I got.

I sighed ''Okay'' 

Zayn P.O.V

I watched that mini pink haired girl staring at me in confusion , the trying to open a conversation , putting her hopes down.Watching as she walks away to the room.

It kills me inside glooming this innocent loving girl with me.

As much as the truth hurts , seeing her hurt because of me kills me more. I'm afraid to tell her anything as she will be hurt in both. Telling the truth Or Ignoring the truth.

The girl I used to love her....I still love her and never stopped and now she appeared by the time I was trying hard to forget her. BOOOM!

It will be like a huge firing rock hitting her.

I'll cumple her.

She's the nicest person you can ever meet.

I can't let her go.

I was reaching a point putting Sophia as the most beautiful memory and starting a new life with someone who loves me.

I closed the book retrieving all.

I like her. I really like her.

But am I in love with her?

I wont take anyone's opinion I decided to do what I see right.


I stood infront of the door. Knocking slowly.

''Come in'' I heared her huffing

''Emily'' I walked slowly and sat beside her at the edge of the bed.

''Zayn I need-"

''Emily I need to tell you something very important''

She raised her eyebrow ''W-What-t?''

''Look'' I took a deep breath ''I told you about about S-Sophia she was my girlfriend , she hated to be called a girlfriend , anyway.... I loved her , She was different. Not in a bad way. I always love the way she's different from others. We didn't always get along , sometimes she really piss me off'' I chuckled looking at the duvent.

''Then she left without any explanation and then I knew that she's getting marry because of some- uhh some issues and-''

''What made her?'' She asked/exclaimed

''Some pr-''

''What happened?'' 

I sighed and told her all the story.

''And then the funeral....''

Emily's P.O.V

Screams were inside me , yelling to come out.

I hold my breath and my broken heart together. 

All my dreams were broken bit by bit.

I'm wide awake

And now it's clear to me

That everything you see

Ain't always what it seems

''I'm sorry Emily , actually no word can describe how I'm feeling. You're from the best things that ever happened to me , you're love is perfect but in the wrong time''

I hold my tears.

I am trying to hold on

I'm wide awake

God knows that I tried

Seeing the bright side

I'm wide awake

I'm not blind anymore...

''I couldn't let you go , but at the same time I can't gloom you anymore'' Zayn's eyes were full of tears.

I jogged to his arms and hugged him tightly , wrapping his arms around my and feeling my tears coming.

Falling from cloud nine

Crashing from the high

I'm letting go tonight

Yeah, I'm falling from cloud nine

I'm wide awake

Not losing any sleep

I picked up every piece

And landed on my feet

I'm wide awake

We reached a closed path. The end.

The story's over now, the end


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