meeting the ex

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Spencer's Wedding dress^^^

Spencer's POV

"Spence, you look amazing" Aria cried. I gave her a tissue and she wiped her tears

"Thanks Aria, you think Brian will love it" I aske

"He will love you even if you wear a garbage bag."

I giggled. Brian really makes me happy. I look in the mirror admiring myself in the dress. I do a 360 and fix my veil

"Spencer I got to go so Jordan can hem my dress, see you later" she said

"Okay and tell Liam I said hi". With that Aria walked out. Maybe after 15 minutes I heard a knock on the door. It's probably room service. Im starving. I go up to open the door.

"Thank God I-" "Hey". I just stared. It wasn't food. But it was someone who I've been trying to avoid. My ex Toby Cavanaugh.

"Hi" is all I said

Toby's POV

I waited after I knocked. A few seconds later she opened the door.

"Thank God I-" "Hey" I smiled. I guess she was expecting food.

"HI" she said. It was an awkward silence

"What are you doing here". she asked. I was just staring at her. In her wedding gown. She looks very beautiful.

"Toby" she said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Huh" I asked

"I asked what are you doing here" she said

"I uh, I was at home and Jenna came over. She said she was here for a friends wedding and I asked who and she said you"

"Well you found out" she said

"How come you didn't tell me you were back" I asked

She shrugged. "Oh where's my manners come in" she laughed. She stepped aside and let me in. The room is huge and really nice. This is my first time being in the Radley actually

"Isn't it weird to be in here after-you know" I said

"It was at first, but the place hanged and it's really nice"

I looked around the room. I spotted a picture of Spencer and I'm guessing her Fiance laying down on the sand laughing laying close together with their hand intertwined together. They look happy, she looks happy.

"You loos beautiful" I complimented

"Thanks" she giggled "Hold on let me get out of this dress, uh make yourself at home" She left the room to go changed.

Something caught my eye. It was the Wedding Invitation. I picked it up and my heart sunk when I read it

                                                                               Please join us for

                                                     Spencer Hastings and Brian Livingston Wedding

                                                                      date: November 6, 2019

                                                                 Place: Rosewood Private Beach

                                                                          time: 11:00 am - 3:00pm

I can't believe this. She's getting married on our anniversary. The day that we had our first kiss. She's now sharing this date with someone else. 

"Okay so now where were-oh Toby whats wrong" she said coming out of the room.

"How could you" I yelled

"How could I what" she asked in confusion. I shoved the invitation in her hand

"The date. Really Spencer. You're getting married on our anniversary" I said

"Okay 1. dont yell at me, 2. you need to calm down and 3." she snatched the paper out of my hand and scratched  off something from the paper and gave it back to me. Instead of November 6th it was November 16th. The food was covering the one "And 3, I would never do that to you, even thought you shouldn't care" she finished. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry" I said

"Listen, what happened in the past happened alright" she said.

I shook my head trying to get the memory out of my head

"I never said it was your fault" I said

"You sure made it seemed that way. Then when it happened as always you leave."

"I needed time to cope" I fought back

"Really Toby, really, I've been coping for the past 4 years. You were never there" she cried. Just then we were interrupted when the door opened.

"Everything okay in here"

"Just talking it out Brian"Spencer answered. Brian out his stuff down and walked towards us

"You must be Toby Cavanaugh" he said. He put his hand out for me to shake it and I did

"Yeah that's me" I said. 

"Did the food come yet Spencer" he asked

"No, it's been 15 minutes" she said.

'Let's go out and eat, Toby would you like to accompany us, you can invite a guest" he suggested

I thougth about it. I can learn more from this guy.

"Uh yea sure, I will see you guys later" I said.

I said my good-bye's and left. "It's gonna be a long night" I said to myself. 

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