Telling Brian

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Spencer's POV

I can't believe Toby just kissed me. Why in the world would he kiss me. I'm about to get married in 13 days and he had the audacity to kiss me. To make matters worse I kinda liked it. No stop Spencer you are in high over heels in love with Brian. Toby broke your heart remember Spence. Ugh I'm so hungry right now. I need food. I go to my kitchen and ate the whole fridge. Just kidding, but I did eat alot. You know what else why is there a d in fridge but not when its refrigerator. Who made the alphabet. Why am I thinking so many things why"-

"Hey babe" Brian said. He made me jump

"Oh dear lord Brian what are you doing here so early" I asked

"I finished my work, I wanted it to be a surprise." he ssaid

"Well I'm defiantly surprised" I said. He leans in to kiss me and since he's so tall I have to stand on my tip toes to reach his lips. Its cute how he tries to bend down to kiss me. Brian is the tallest person I ever dated. He's even taller than Toby. Brian is like 6 foot 5.

"So anything interesting happened  while I was gone.

Oh boy do I tell him about the kiss. Ugh Yes I'm going to tell. I don't want to lie in my relationship again. That's what ruined my relationship the last time. All the lying. I'm older and more mature now. Im going to tell him

"Yes, uh first I ate lots of food for the baby and me, then Toby came and we talked"

"What did you guys talk about" he asked

"I told him I'm pregnant and then out of nowhere it led to what happened in college"

"He said that wow" Brian said

"I took my wedding photos" I smiled. Brian had a huge smile on his face

"Can I see" he asked. I smiled and shook my head no.

"Anything else happened" he asked

"Yes, Toby was in here and kissed me" I pouted. Brian's smile went away. "It all happened so fast. He came charging at me and all of a sudden he kissed me" I cried "Plese don't be mad" he pouted. He took deep breaths and calmed down.

"It's okay, it's okay let's just forget that happened okay" he said as he rubbed my belly. "On to other important things,what do you think the baby will be. I'm hoping for a mini you" he smiled

"Well I'm hoping for a prince" I said. We both laughed and sat on the couch. How lucky am I to have this guy in my life.

Yeah I know it's short. Tune in next time. Is Brian really mad about the whole kissing thing. What gender will the baby be. Is Toby going to ruin the wedding. Is Spencer still in love with Toby. Cheray outty. and follow me on my pll page on instagram .... thepll_factory17. 

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