Very Positive

382 13 2

Spencer's POV

I walked back and forth, waiting for the timer to go off. Brian is at work, I'm here waiting for this to be over. This could change everything. and maybe for the better..

Beep beep beep

Once the timer went off I picked up the object from the stand.


I smiled to myself. I am so happy. I'm having a baby. This time I'm going to be more careful. It's weried though, I always thought that it would be Toby and I would have the baby, but I guess I was wrong. I remember when I was first pregnant. I did everything right, I ate right, I exercised occasionally, I didn't even drink coffee. Okay so I lied about eating right. I ate everything. But one day I was sleeping in my bed with Toby.... all of a sudden I felt something running down my legs. I turned on the light and pulled the covers off. I screamed so loud it made Toby jump awake.  We immediately rushed to the hospital. I was brought into surgery. A few hours later I woke up and notice my flat belly. The baby was gone. I was sad, but Toby took it harder than me. A few months later, we did nothing but argue. He left and it was just me, until I met Brian. He helped me through it all. We became best friends then a year later, he proposed to me and now we're getting married.

I put on my clothes and went to go find Brian. I got into my car and drove off. After 15 minutes I parked the car and found Brian.

"Brian" I called out. I ran over to him.

"Hey Spence" he greets me with a kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"I have good news for you, but let's go to the Brew cause I want the girls to know" I said excitedly

"Yea sure, anything for the women I love" he replied. We hopped into my car and drove to the Brew. I took my phone out and texted the girls

S- "Hey guys, meet us at the Brew now, it's important"- S

"Yea sure"- Emily

"I'll be there"- Hana

"I will be there, Team Sparia" -Aria 

"I'll come"- Alison. 

I smiled at the text. I can't wait until they find out.

"Spencer, we are here" Brian said

"Okay Brian". He got out and ran to the other side to open the door for me.

"My lady" he says

"Aww such a gentlemen" I smiled. We walked into the Brew hand by hand and met up with the resy of the gang.

"Okay before we dicuss about Spencer, let me get us something to drink. Wine anyone?" Hanna asked.

"I'll take one" Emily said

"Ditto" Aria 

"Oh me too" Alison smiled. Hanna went to get the drinks. 

"Oh I have to call Caleb and tell him to come by" I said. I got out my phone and texted him

"Caleb, come to the Brew I have something I need to tell you" -SPencer

"Im on my way now"- Caleb.

"Okay Im back with the drinks. Spence are you sure you don't want wine" Hanna asked

"Im sure, now I'm just waiting for Caleb to come, cause he needs to know too" I said. "I hope you don't mind Hanna" I said sincerely.

"Oh it doesn't bother me at all. I'm married to Jordan remember" Hanna laughed. I heard the door open and saw Caleb. I went up to him and hugged him

"I'm so glad you're here" I smiled.

"So what's the new" He asked. 

"Everyone except Brian, please it down." I ordered. They all sat down except for Brian. I held Brians hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out. Hanna spit out her wine. Everyone else looked shocked.

"Oh my gosh I'm going to be an aunt" Hanna said.

"Brian did you hear what I-"

He cuts me off my kissing me fully on the lips. He picked me up and spin me around.

"I'm so happy. I'm going to be a father" Brian said.

"I'm going to teach the little kid how to hack" Caleb said

I was so happy that everyone was happy for me.

But how am I going to tell Toby????

Sorry its short. I swear it was super long. I tried to post a pic on the bottom but it deleted the other half  and I don't feel like rewriting it

I still love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon