The end

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3 years later.....

Toby and I are back together, finally. Brian has went back to his girlfriend. I decided that I didn't want to stay in Rosewood and head back to Georgetown. Toby told me that he wants to come too and move in so that we can all be a family. He transferred out of Rosewood to  Georgetown, and made his own schedule so that way he can spend more time with our daughter Maddison and I, which is a great Idea. Speaking of Maddison she absolutely adores Toby and Toby loves her so much. Their bond is amazing and s cute. She is defiantly a daddy's girl. Today is Toby's and I 3 year anniversary of being back together. He says he has something special plan for us. As I'm working my phone rings and Toby is calling

"miss me already" I said

"I kinda need you to come over, now" he said

"Why is everything okay, where's Maddison?" I asked in panic

he laughs "Don't worry Caleb and Hanna are watching her for the rest of the night, but please come home" he said

"Okay I'll be there in 5 minutes, I'm leaving now" I said as Im leaving the building. I get into my car and I start driving to Toby's place. I get out and walked to the door, it was slightly opened and i went inside and its so pretty. There were fairy lights hanging on the walls and ceiling. I continued walking and "Cant help falling in love with you" by Elvis Presley starts playing.

Wise men say

only fools rush in

but I can't help

falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If i cant help falling in love with you

I looked on the ground and saw rose pedals that led to up the stairs. As I was walking up I noticed on the walls there were pictures hanging. Each picture was of us. The first one was when we were sitting on his porch and I was teaching him French. 

The second one was a picture of us playing scrabble while we were spying on Jenna. I continued walking and saw another picture when we had our very first kiss after spying on Jenna.

After that was another one in his truck the first time I brought it for him. I got to the top and continued following the rose pedals. A long the walls were more photos.

Our first Halloween party

The first time we made love to each other

the country theme party we went to

the time he came back from france

the time he became a police officer

the christmas party


Prom. There was no more after that. I understand. We were broken up for quiet a while. The rose pedals led to the Family Living Room. I continued walking until I saw something that caught my eye. I gasp and cried when I saw it. It was a drawing of him on one knee and proposing, I turned around slowly and looked down at Toby. He was holing a scrabble board

"Spencer" he started "Words can't describe how much I love you, even when we were broken up, you came into my mind everyday. I tired to fight it but I lost. When you came back something was telling me that I need you in my life. I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you, I'm deeply sorry. I'm so glad we got back together and stayed together happily with our beautiful little girl Maddison. I promise to be the best father/husband. So I have one question" he said. He removed the top of the scrabble board

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"Will you Spencer Jill Hastings marry me?" he asked

I put my hands over my mouth and cried and nodded my head

"Yes, yes a thousand times yes" I screamed. He smiled and slid the ring on my finger. He got up lifted me up and kissed me.

One year later....

"Are you ready Spencer" Hanna asked

"yes I'm ready" I said.

*music starts playing*

"Thats our cue, see you at the alter" Aria said and the girls left.

*In my Veins start playing* 

That was cue to go in. I walked to my dad and we walked down the aisle, as I was walking I saw Toby and he has tears in his eyes. When we reached the Alter he kissed my cheek and handed me to Toby.

*the preacher preach blah blah blah*

"Do you Toby Phillip Cavanaugh take Spencer Jill Hastings to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poor for better or worse as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" he smiled

"Do you Spencer Jill Hastings take Toby Phillip Cavanaugh to be your wedded husband to have and to hold, for richer or poor for better or worse as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" I smiled back at him

"By the power invested him I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride"

He grabs my face and kisses me passionately and I kiss him back with more passion. We are finally married and have one big happy family.

The End

Thats it for this. No there won't be a sequel. thats it. The proposal is based on a commerical by Extra Gum. Now that you read this go to the top and watch the video. It's also the same song as the one i used for this story by Elvis Presley Thanks again for reading this, and continue to watch my other stories as well. 

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