Telling Toby

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Spencer's POV

2 weeks until the wedding

I can't believe I'm getting married in 2 weeks. This is so exciting. Brian is back in D.C for last minute work. I would mind but it's the perfect time to take my wedding pictures. I called up one of my friends from college who majored in photography. I dialed his number and he picked up on the 2 ring


"Hey Chris, it's Spencer" I smiled

"Hey, Hey Spence whats going on,?" 

"nothing much, I have a favor to ask?"


"Well you know my wedding is in a few weeks and I need a photographer, will you be mine please"

"Yeah of course Spencer. How's Brian"

"Oh thank you, thank you, and Brian is fine. He's in D.C now"

"that's good. When do you want to start"

"how's tomorrow"

"tomorrow is good, see you then". I hung up the phone. Now I'm hungry. Gosh these pregnancy cravings are getting to  me. I decided to go to the Grill and get something to eat.

At the Grill

"Hi can I get 3 brownies, 2 cupcakes" I scan the menu to see what else is there "oh and buffalo wings. Spicy and fries..and a large chocolate shake" I ordered. The waitress looked at me weird. 

"It's pregnancy cravings" I told him. He nodded is head

"That will be $13.45" I handed him the money and waited for my food. As I waited I got a call from Brian

"Hey baby what's up" I asked

"Hey, just checking up on both of my babies"

"We are both fine, just hungry so I'm at the Grill"

"Well okay, I'll be home Thrusday, see you then. I love you"

"I love you too, bye". I hung up the phone and when I looked up I saw Toby. Oh boy

"Hey what are you doing here" he asked

"To eat, what else" I said. He grabbed a chair and sat with me. Uh weird.

"Where's you fiance" he asked

"Hes in D.C. for last minute work, He will be back on Thursday. Perfect time to take my wedding photo's" I smiled

"Oh" he said. The waiter came and put my food on the table. Toby widened his eyes at all the food.

"Hungry much, what are you feeding for two" he laughed.

I just stared at him. " I'm pregnant Toby" I said. He stops laughing.

"Your what??" he yelled.

"Yeah I found out yesterday, Brian is so happy" I smiled.

"You're pregnant" he asked again.

"Yes Toby I am pregnant" I said again.

"I thought you weren't ready to become a parent"he said

"I was a sophomore in college Toby, I was only 20 at that time"

"You had a miscarriage"

"I hadn't forgot about that, I can never forget about losing my first child, now that I'm pregnant again, I....Brian and I will make sure this doesn't happen again.and no matter what happens I know for a fact he wont leave my side."

I finished my food and got up. "I gotta go and get ready for tomorrow, see you around" I said.

I still love youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن