The Dinner

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Spencer's POV

So today Brian and I are going on a double date with Toby and his new girlfriend Yvonne. I never met or heard anything about her. I really don't want to go. Not because she's going to be here, but I'm still trying to avoid him. I never forgave him for what he did a few years ago. After a argument with Brian I finally gave in. That's right I actually lost an argument. I decided to wear my blue hug tight dress that shows my curves. It's Brian's favorite dress of mine.

"Do we seriously have to go, I'm trying to avoid him" I whined

"You still haven't forgave him" Brian asked

"No, I haven't and I don't think I ever will"

'Yeah what is did was beyond wrong on so many level, but you can't hold a grudge forever"

"Well lets see how this dinner goes and then maybe I'll forgive him"

Brian flashes his pearly teeth at me "who's my favorite girl in the world"

I giggle. "I am". He brings me into a warm hug and gives me a kiss. In my head I still don't want to do this. But I'm going have to get over it. I'll do it for Brian. I hope this dinner goes well.

Toby's POV

I agreed to go on this double date with Spencer and her fiance, Buky, I think his name is. I forgot. I'm thinking about ditching this dinner and just be home all alone just mope and mope. Spencer seems really happy with this guy. Maybe even more happy with Brandon, or whatever his name. He thinks he's so perfect for her. Please. My thought's were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey" Yvonne said

"Oh hey Yvonne, come in and wait downstairs I'm not ready yet" I told her

"Okay" she said.

Yvonne, I met her by saving her from a bank robbery. She's nice and very peppy. More bubbly than Hanna. We've been together for 2 years now. I really like her though. I went through my closet and got out a blue button down shirt, jeans and black vans. I gel my hair up and put on cologne. I make my way downstairs.

"You ready" I asked Yvonne

"Ready, ready" she said. We both went to my car and drove to the restaurant. When we got there, we saw Spencer and Brian waiting for us. They were talking and laughing . He's very taller, taller than me and I'm 6'3'. He like 6'5'. Spencer always had a weakness for tall guy(Authors note: I love me some tall men). When the kissed he has to bend down a little while Spencer stands on her tip toes. I found parking and we got out to meet them.

"Oh hey guys" Brian greeted

"Hey, this is Yvonne, Yvonne this is Spencer and her fiance, Brandon" I said

"Brian" he corrected

"I heard so much about you Spencer" Yvonne said

"That's cool" Spencer smiles. It got awkward after that.

"So lets go in" Brian said breaking the silence. We all went inside and got a table for four. The place was really nice, there was even a ski ball in there. When we got the table. Brian pulled out the chair for Spencer, so I did the same thing with Yvonne. 

"Hey I'm David, i'll be your waiter, can I start you off with drinks and appetizers?"

"Ladies first" Brian suggested

"Ooh I'll take coffee" Spencer said. Of course Spencer gets coffee. I won't be surprised if she bleeds coffee.

"Spencer, remember?" Brian said

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