Chapter 3: Welcome To Hell.

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Siras' POV:

I start to open my eyes and I feel really groggy. As I rub the sleep from my eyes the events from yesterday come rushing back.

"Rina!" I cried looking around for her but she is no where to be seen. I take in my surroundings and what I find is not what I would have wished to see. The room was white and there was a camera in a corner of the room recording what was going on. I was alone in this room and it was not what I wanted.

"Let me out of here! Where is Rina? You can't do this to us!" I shout at the camera not expecting a response. the door to the room opens and two strange me come in and each grabs one of my arms and drags me out of the room.

"Let me go! Where are you taking me?!?" I shout trying to get out of their grasp but couldn't. I was about to give up when I heard banging on a door up a head of us.

"What are you doing to Sira?!? Let me out of here! Sira... Sira I am right here. Open this god damned door! I swear if you hurt Sira I will kill you! Do you hear me?! If you hurt her you're dead!" I heard Rina shout while banging on her door.

"Rina! Rina help me!" I shout and struggle more trying to get away from the two men who were dragging me past Rinas room.

"Rina!" I shout one last time before being shoved into another room only this one had a fighting arena. I started to take the room in when I saw some one enter on the other side of the room.

"where am I and what are you going to do with me and Rina?" I ask glaring at the person. 

"You and your friend are at our assassin training facility in New Mexico." They said the voice sounded masculine so it was a guy I was talking to. 

"Why are we here?" I asked the guy watching him as he walk around the room and stops in front of me.

"You two are going to become two of the best assassins that we train."He said "I think both of you should fist build an immunity to poison." The last part was to himself mostly. He snaps his fingers and the two men who brought me here in the first place come in and grab me again.

"Take her and her friend to the lab and have them start building their immunity to the toxins." He tells the two men who just nod and drag me out kicking and screaming.

Rinas' POV:

I woke up in a strange room and remembered what happened the day before. I start shouting and banging on the door trying to get out so that I could find Sira. I was about to give up when I hear Sira shouting in the hall.

"What are you doing to Sira!?! Let me out of here! Sira...Sira I'm right here!  Open the God Damned door! I swear if you hurt Sira I will kill you! You hear me? You hurt her you're dead!" I shout still banging on the door.

"Rina! Rina help me!" I heard Sira shout and I kept trying to get out of my room.

"Rina!" That was the last I heard her before I heard i door slam shut.

"Sira!" I shout listening for a reply. "Sira are you there? Answer me please!" I slide down the door when I didn't get a reply to my pleas for her to answer me. I couldn't protect her like I said I would. 

'Why is this happening to us? was it those people who called themselves our parents who did this?' is thought to myself trying to piece this together and worrying about Sira. I was about to give up and pass out next to the door when I heard shouting in the hall again.

"Let me go! what are you going to do to us?!?" It was Sira!

"Sira! Sira are you okay?" I shout through my door only to have it open and be grabbed and pulled out into the hall.

"Let go! I said let go!" I shout and start to thrash around trying to get out of the persons grasp.

"Rina!" I heard Sira shout my name next to me and I look over to see her in another persons gasp.

"You bastard! let Sira go!" I shout trying to kick him but I get pulled away to the other side of the hall away from them. I look at Sira and see she looks okay but is still mad with being manhandled. Suddenly the two of us are being dragged/ shoved down the hall.

"Where the hell are you taking us?" I shout and struggle more and I see Sira doing the same. The two dragging us stay silent and don't say a word. We stop in front of a door with a plaque on it saying LAB in bold letters.

"Why did you bring us here?" I ask as my voice starts to waver. Without a word the two open the door and drag us in. I take in the room and I start to feel light headed. There were bottles of medicine and different plants in the room; not only that but there were needles on the tables. We were led to two chairs that were side by side; the only thing about these chairs that I did not like was that there were straps on it to restrain movement. We were up in the chairs and the straps secured around our arms and legs. Now i was worried.

'Why would they need to restrain us? what are they going to do to us?!?" I shout in my  head wanting to know what was going to happen to us. Just then two men walk in and start taking bottles down from the shelves and fill the syringes. Once they were done they each picked up a try of syringes and walked towards us. One sat next to each of us and started to rub our arms like the doctors would when you would get a shot.

"What are you going to do?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"We need to get your immune system use to different toxins and that is what is going to happen in just a minute." one says as he stops rubbing my arm and set a syringe ready.

"Oh shit." I say as everything goes dark and I pass out.

Third person POV:     

As the two doctors injected the girls with the toxins the would wait to see how the girls reacted to them and would document their progress. The two girls were both unconscious and had high fevers from the toxin that they had just given them. As they monitored the girls the watched as they both started waking up. They looked around when they saw each other they nodded and both of them looked at the doctors. the doctors took the girls temperature and found that it was going down. 

"The two of you  seem to be doing well building up an immunity to poisons." One doctor said to them.

"Yes. We just have a few left them we will be done for the day." The other said. They waited for the girls temperatures to return to normal before giving them the next poison. This continued for three more hours. When the girls were released from the chairs they had to be carried to their rooms; but before they were separated a man came, and told the men with the girls to take them to a room that they could share. The men did as they were told and took them to their new room and place the two girls on their beds and left.  The Rina slowly got out of her bed and slowly made her way to Siras bed. she got in the bed with her and they held hand and drifted to sleep. 

The next day the two girls went through rigorous training to become assassins and they had to get checked by the doctors to make sure that they were healthy. The two girls did everything they were told, and and when they were alone in their room they would plane how they would get out of there; even if they had to put the things they learned to use on their captors. They both knew that right now they would not be able to get away so they bid their time and continued training; training that was like hell for the both of them.  

Hey sorry for the late update I work two jobs so I don't get much time to write. I will be trying to get more writing in on my days off. the song at the top tells how the girls wont trust those around them because of what they did.

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