Chapter 6: God This Sucks

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Shay's POV:

"You will have to call us later we just got back from a job and we are tired. Sorry... So bye." I say as I hang up my phone.

"Who was that?" Akasha asked me.

"No clue, but I want to go to bed and not worry about it. Who ever it was can call back some other time." I say and start to get ready for bed. I come out of my room and see Akasha watching TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"Ultimate Otaku Teacher." she said.

"I love that anime!" I said sitting next to her.

"I know." she said turning back to the anime.

We sit and watch the anime in silence; just enjoying our selves and relaxing when there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other and ran to hide all the weapons. Once the weapons were hidden we went to answer the door.

"who is it?" I ask through the door with my hand on the knife I keep in my back pocket.

"I called you earlier about a job."a voice called.

"How did you get this address?" I asked.

"Your previous employer told me." the voice called back.

"Shit." I say to my self " What kind of job is it and when do you want it done?" I ask through the door.

"I have all the details here if you would be kind enough to come out here so we may speak face to face." the voice said. By now I have figured it was a guy but I didn't want him to know what we looked like. 

"Pass it through the door." I said opening the door just enough for a folder to be slipped through. The person slipped to folder through the crack in the door. As I was about to close the door it was forced open slamming me into the wall.

"Shay!" Akasha shouts to me as my world goes black.

***Akashas' POV***

"Shay!" I shout as she slips to the floor knocked out from the force.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked rushing over to Shay. I got to her and laid her head on my lap but when I pulled my hand away with blood on it.

"Oh shit! Shit shit shit."I was scared Shay kit the wall hard enough to get knocked out and her head is bleeding! How the hell did this happen?! I look up at the man in front of me and glare at him.

"Don't just stand there asshole help me! You caused this you help fix it, and once she is awake I want you out of here and never to come back!"I shout at  him; when I say I was mad that is most likely the understatement of the century; I was fucking livid right now.

"No need to get upset she will be fine." the man said and as soon as I had placed shay on the floor he was against the wall with a knife at his throat.

"Say that again and you will be dead faster then you can blink do you understand me?" I asked putting as much venom in my voice as I could. The man just nods and hands me a piece if cloth I release him and go back to tending Shay.

"Leave. if shay say we are taking this job we will call you but for now I want you out of our house and never tell anyone where we are." I said and waited for him to leave. I was so focused on Shay that I didn't notice the man close the door, but when I look away from shays face I see some money a small note and a business card. 

After about half an hour later Shay wakes up and is pissed to no end. I hand her the money, note and business card. As she reads the note she hands me the card and money.

"Call the ass that we will do this job but in return he pays double. That is the only way I will even think of doing this job." she tells me. I was about to call him when she says something else. " Call him tomorrow we both need sleep, and my head kills thanks to that ass. He better pray to every known god that he never crosses me or he is going to be dead faster then he can make a sound."She will do it too. I know her all too well to know that she means business of someone ticks her off bad enough and that guy just dug himself his own grave.

"God this sucks. I got knocked out by crashing into the wall!" Shay shouts on her way to our room.

"It isn't your fault." I said following close behind her

"Still! I better go to sleep before I do something too stupid." She said getting into bed.

"Yeah. I don't want to have to drag you back kicking and screaming." I said laughing as I get in bed with her.

"Good night Akasha."Shay said holding out her hand.

"Good night Shay." I say taking her hand and slowly fall asleep knowing my sister was still with me and we were both okay. For now at least.

Sorry for the late update; too many things going on at once. Anyways please vote or comment that would be awesome. 

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