Chapter 4: Pay Back Is A Bitch

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Rinas' POV:

One year has passed since we were brought to this hell hole and both Sira and I have been training everyday. When training was done each day we would sit in our room and plan how we would get out. We did not want to stay here and have to put up with this shit any more.

"So do we want to add anything to our plan?" I asked looking at Sira.

"What if we have to fight to get out? I don't think I am strong enough to fight so many at one time." Sira said looking down at the ground. 

"Do you remember the song 'Hide and Seek'?" I ask her and she nods. Both of us had listened to it that we knew it by heart.

"We will both be singing it that while moving in the shadows. that way if some one tries to get us they won't know who will be coming into view first." I said putting my hand on her shoulder. I ended up having more training then Sira because I didn't want them hurting her more than they already were. There were times when I would be locked in a room and be attacked out of no where to get my reaction time up. Not to mention I would also go through different treatments by the doctors to build my immunity. I didn't want Sira to have to put up with that kind of poison. I had just found out a year ago that Sira was my sister, and that our parents were most likely dead. We ran away from those who said the were our parents and didn't think to tell us the truth until Sira was 16 and I was 20. Now we were both top assassins and we were plotting our escape from this hell.

"Okay so on our way back from training we put our plan into motion. I have made a mental note of where the different exits are." I say and we wait for the guards to come and get us for our training session. We say staring at the bare walls of our room for what felt like...hours. We were just about to knock on the door to see what was going on when the door opened and the two guards came in to get us. They led us to the training room and were started training with other assassins to work on our fighting skills.

Third person

The two girls train for about four hours then they go to the shooting range to get target practice in. since they first were taught how to use guns the had to do at least an hour off target practice a day. Rina had been putting in Extra training at the range and she was able to get a few guns out of the range; two for herself and two for Sira. The two girls finish at the range and are being led to their room to rest. As they walked in front of their guards they were quietly counting down to zero so that they could launch their escape plan. They were about twenty yards away from their room when they finished their cunt down.

"Now!" Rina shouts and turns and kicks her guard in the side of the head knocking him out. and Sira does the same. they take the guards weapons and start running to the exit. the travel in the shadows and don't make a sound. as people run past them they keep going until the come up to where their teachers were waiting.

"And to think that you would be able to get out of here that easily." one said and came right at them. Rina pushed Sira out of the way and started to fight the instructor. Rina used the weapons she took from her guard and was holding her own against the instructor. 

"I see you are just going to stand there so I will just take you back to your room and Rina will follow." the second instructor said walking up to Sira. Before the instructor could get a hand on Sira a knife slammed into his arm. He turned and saw Rina was fighting the other instructor and keeping an eye on Sira to make sure they didn't lay a hand on her. So the second instructor joined the first and they went full force on her. Rina was getting cut up but it was nothing she couldn't handle. she kept looking over at Sira who was just standing there waiting. Rina knew she had to wrap things up fast so she used a move she had been working on in private. She jumped into the air and the instructors did the same but she started to twist in the air, and then she shot her arms and legs out hitting the instructors in he head rendering them unconscious.  Rina landed on her feet and ran; grabbing Siras hand and running out the exit. Once outside they kept running until they could no longer see the building that had been their prison for the past year.

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