Chapter 5: Our First Job

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Shays' POV:

Akasha and I took the job that our mystery caller gave us. We had to eliminate a member of a very strong gang that dealt with drugs and human trafficking. We got to the job site and found equipment ready for us.

"Damn did they think of everything?" Akasha asked me.

"Apparently they did." I said looking at what we had in front of us. There were two sniper rifles, hand guns, and knives. As I look at what was in front of us Akasha goes and picks up a piece of paper that was on one of the rifle cases and brings it over to me to look at.

To the Sister Assassins:

I would like to thank you for taking this job and as part of your payment these weapons are yours. Use them as you see fit. I hope that we will be working together again soon. 




Try and not get into too much trouble with your new toys girls.

We finish reading the note and look at each other a little shocked that someone would be crazy enough to give us these weapons.

"I don't think this person is sane. no one should give us weapons."Akasha said looking at me.

"No kidding. We are dangerous enough with just our training but give us a weapon we are twice as deadly." I say looking at the weapons one last time before I grabbed one of the rifles and set it up.

"OK  let's review the info we have." I say and I adjust the sights on my rifle. " The target leaves his office every day at 11PM on the dot and gets in a car and drives to a different hotel every night. Our job is to take him out before he can get in his car to get to the next hotel." I say as I get everything settled and prepped for the job.

"Right and we will be in different places covering bot the front and back entrances so that he will have no way of slipping past us."Akasha says as she gathers her gear and gets read to head to her area. 

"We are to remain in contact with each other at all times. If something changes we need to fall on our backup plan ASAP." I say finishing up my prep. Both of us put put our ear pieces in and test them to make sure they are working properly. Akasha left and that left me to my own devices and at times that is fine.... but for a day like today it was not. I was running through so many different simulations in my head right now. I look at my watch and see that we have fifteen minutes till that target leaves his office.

"Akasha how long till your set up and ready to go?" I ask through my ear piece.

"I am making my final adjustments right now sis. two minutes and I am done."She replied and went quiet; finishing up her set up I assume.

Akashas' POV:

I arrived at my  sight point and started setting up as fast as I could. I knew that there was a possibility that the target could end up leaving his office early and had to be ready in case that happened.

"Akasha how long till your set up and ready to go?" I hear Shay ask through the ear piece.

"I am making my final adjustments right now sis. Two minutes and I am done." I say and finish up. I look through my sights and lock on the back door so that as soon as he set foot outside that door I could aim and take him out. I didn't like the things he did and that he could get away with it. It made me sick that the government didn't do anything about him and I took someone else to calls us, the singing sister assassins , to take his ass out.

It felt like hours until I see the back door open and men start to come out.

"Shay I have people coming from the back door. What about on your end?" I ask through the ear piece while keeping an eye on those coming out the back door.

"It's the same here. Any sign of the target?" Shay asks and I could hear how focused she was on the task at hand.

"Not right a way. I am only seeing his bodyguards." I say really focusing now because I could see that they were looking around now and why would they do that if they weren't waiting for someone important?

"Hey the guys on my side seem to be on edge." I tell Shay.

"Keep an eye on them and if you see the target take him out." she tells me. I smile and wait. I didn't have to wait too long before I saw the target leave the back door and look around. I couldn't help but laugh at how naive he was. Shay and I were trained snipers and they didn't take that into account when they were leaving the building. I saw the car turn the corner and knew that I had better get my ass into gear. I look through my sights and take aim, taking into account the angle and the amount of wind I made the necessary adjustments ,I pull the trigger and watch as the target hits the ground as the car pulls up to him.

"Shay. The target has been taken care of." I call to her through the ear piece.

"Good job! lets meet at the river and head home." Shay says to me and I start to pack up. Shay was usually trying to do everything on her own so I wouldn't have to put up with the sight of death. I just didn't want her to over work herself on this job so I insisted on coming with her. Shay has been pushing herself harder then she should and I was worried about her.

I was all packed and went to the river where Shay was waiting. We hug and start walking to the shed that we built, it wasn't much but it was home, when we got there there was an envelope taped to the door. We look at each other; we turn back to the door and Shay grabs the envelope and opens it. She pulls out a piece of paper and read it out loud.

To the two sisters

Thank you for a job well done. Here is the payment for the job and I have given your number to some one else who might contact yo with a job. Take care and try to not get into too much trouble.



We look at each other and look in the envelope again and see a wad of money in there. Shay counted it and looked at me.

"After we split it each of us get $200,000." She says with a look of disbelief on her face. "Who the hell pays $400,000 to two people they have never met before?!" Shay asked looking at me.

"I don't know but at least we don't have to worry about not having enough money to get food." I said looking at her. 

After that first job we got many more and we both became well know assassins. We were known as the singing sister because when we went in for the kill we would sing 'Hide and Seek' and that was how we first got started as assassins. On more than one occasion we both said that we need to get a life because we really didn't do much of anything other then the jobs we were given but at least we were able to travel the world. We learned a lot in our travels and we both stayed close to help each other out if the need arose.

Sorry it took so long to update. I work two jobs so I don't get a lot of free time but when I do I try to get as much as I can done so you can enjoy. please vote or leave a comment I would like to hear your feed back 

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