Lost Girl

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Everyone knew of the princess and her angelic beauty, but hardly anyone except her family
and a few maids knew her deeper. But she wasn't just a Princess, she held great power, she was the product of true love and possessed the rarest of magic, White Magic. Very few people, not even the knights that served her father. Throughout her life, her family worried over her safety after defeating the Evil Queen and protecting their kingdom. They did the only thing they could, they hid her away from the world, only allowed to see the outside in balls and celebrations but never being able to cross the border of her family's castle, never able to see the exciting things the realm had to offer, never once seeing the ocean. This of course made her very lonely, and some could say naive, not knowing what the world had to offer, what dangers lay there.

On the other hand there was Captain Hook, hell bent on his revenge, sailing realm and realm for any answers to defeat the Dark One. He had lost everything, and as a result his heart was locked away from all. The pirate, centuries old, found solace in one thing, his drink, rum. He drank and drank until his pain numbed and he could live with all the terrible things he did on a daily basis. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he felt he had nothing to live for except his revenge, or at least thats what he says to himself. Always at the helm of his ship, looking out at the endless sea, thinking once this is all over, what will he be, what will life consist of.


A day before her 18th, Princess Emma, felt alone, not that she hadn't felt this way before but this was different, she felt hollow, empty, like she was missing something. And only now had she realised what that was, Adventure. She longed for it every waking moment, wanting to see more than paintings and long castle walls for a view of the world. She wanted more. More than just waiting to rule her kingdom and hid her magic. Today, she wanted to change her future, she wanted to see the blue sky merge with the sea she could only imagine from paintings and stories from maids. She wanted to live a little on the edge, not knowing what will come next, instead of living the same days over and over again doing nothing but being a respectful princess.

On that morning, Emma packed her bag, with little to no desire to come back. She was fed up with living this life, she wanted more. A lot more. In her bag were essentials along with some modest dresses and, of course, her trusted dagger. She may be a princess but that didn't mean she wasn't prepared and knew her way around a weapon, getting the occasional lesson from some of the knights, sworn to secrecy. Emma told herself that, that night she would leave and never look back until she had found adventure and had lived a little.

It felt like forever until the sun set and her new life could start. During the day, Emma thought of all the amazing places she could visit and the the adventures that lay ahead, she had no desire to the naive princess anymore, she wanted to be so much more.

Once night fell, Princess Emma made her way past the deserted hallways and entered the largely unknown secret passages that scattered the large castle. Thankfully Emma knew these passages well from the gossiping servant's, never having the courage to enter, mainly through fear of being caught. But now she didn't care, she no longer had the patience to live this life without a chance of adventure. She felt less nervous the further she got, feeling more and more safe and more ready for her first adventure. But first on her list to do, was to see the Sea.

She could smell the air get more and more salty the closer she got, her anticipation growing with each step. She couldn't contain her excitement, she was going to see the Sea, finally. No more waiting. As she went down the last hill, what she saw paled in comparison to what she expected. It was truly beautiful. Before her was a modest harbour with large ships standing proud and adding to the view, adjoining the harbour was a small village hustling with night time business. All the lanterns glistening against the calmness of the waters. Emma was breathless, she was still a good 10 minutes from the sea front but she stood still, too bewildered from the beauty to do anything else.

Deciding that she best stay to herself, just because it was pretty doesn't mean its not dangerous. Keeping in the shadows, Emma slowing made her way achingly closer to the sea until she was standing in front of an overcasting ship with crimson black sails, the sails flapping and rustling against the wind. Some might be scared, after all this was a pirate ship through and through but Emma felt something different, adventure.

This is what she wanted, she wanted to feel the wind in her hair, she wanted to not know every part of her life, she wanted some mystery in the future. Looking at the ship in more detail, she could see what looked like the crew working away whilst whistling, they looked rough but they worked well together and seemed, for pirates, happy. She smiled, happiness was something she lacked. No one would have thought it looking at her, but even though she had everything she could possible have, she didn't have happiness. How could you if the world was hidden from you, all you had was the walls of the castle and knowing that soon enough she would be married off to someone she barely knew.


Hope you enjoy this new story, I have big plans for it, please comment and vote if you like it, and I may update it quicker ;) !!!

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