Into the Deep

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Hope everyone likes this chapter, I certainly did writing it!!!!

Fear encased her body. How could he know already there was no way he recognise her, they briefly saw each other from afar? And yet he was just standing there with his legs crossed, leaning on the wall with his arms folded against his body, like this wasn't even an issue, and being undeniably handsome at the same time.

"'m called Edward...I'm a boy" Emma tried a lame excuse, as an attempt to hide the truth, but deep inside she knew it was pointless.

"Really..." Hook doing his smug smile, "because I could've sworn I saw you in the village square watching me intently and you certainly were no boy, what with you beautiful long hair that you seemed to have cut" It was a real shame too he thought.

"Well, your wrong" Emma said quite bluntly but blushing at the same time. She now wasn't as scared as before it was clear from his posture that he was not a threat.

"Ahh you're a prickly lass, I like that in a woman, so go on what's your name, your real name, love"

"Umm..." Her cheeks reddening.

"Out with it, don't worry I still want your pretty face on my ship" He didn't know why but telling her to leave the ship never seemed an option.

"It's Emma"

"Well isn't that a beautiful name but then again it would have to match that beautiful face" Finally he had a name to her face, a real name.

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused why am I still here, you know my secret" well, not all of her secret but she wasn't going to tell him anytime soon. She was pretty sure her cheeks were now bright red, and she knew this was because no one had ever complimented her so much, Emma wasn't sure if that's a good or bad thing. But one thing was for sure, this was a new experience and part of the adventure.

"What you don't think that I'm so heartless that I would refuse a lass an adventure, there is just one problem, that unfortunately my crew don't take kindly to having women on board, which I think is totally ludicrous I mean who wouldn't deny you, love" He was staring at her like she was on fire, but she had a feeling that there was some emotion in his eyes but because of her lack of contact with other people she had no idea what it meant.

She honestly was a gift from God, her hair even short was beautiful the way it flowed around her face, even in the darkened room, he could see the brighter highlights. Oh how he couldn't wait to see her in the sunlight with wind whipping around her. Another thing he thing he liked was the way she easily blushed, he couldn't help but stare in awe at her beauty.  He needed to stop doing that, she was in his crew not a wench.

"I'm sorry, sir but the thought of working on ship and sailing the seas seems

"Lass, it's fine, I have the perfect job for you, cabin boy. That means you can spend your time following me" then he winked at her. "Oh and also, love stop calling me sir, I prefer captain or just hook, your not my servant"

"Okay.." Emma said slightly more confident.


"Here is your quarters, love"

"Can you please not call me that, I have a name you know" Ohh she had some fire, hidden beneath, as he learnt more about her, the more captivating she seemed, he was in so much trouble

He just ignored her as he opened the door to where she was going to be staying. Though it was small, he was sure it would do for her, it was either that or with the rest of the crew.

"I hope this will do, I obviously can't  have you staying with the men, I'll come up with some excuse as to why you are separate but I'm sure thy won't have a problem. As for anything else you need, you know where to find me and I'll see to it you are happy, love"

With a huff, Emma sat on her makeshift bed, looking nice around, it wasn't much but it was enough.

"In the morning I'll give you some tasks to do around the ship and see what talents you have. I bid you farewell for tonight, hope you have a good nights sleep, love."


As he retired for the night, there was only one thing on his mind, Emma. And for some reason he couldn't figure out why. She was alluring, that much he knew but it was something else, and that intrigued him and scare him at the same time. But if there was one thing he knew for sure, that was he was in for a rough night. He always seemed to struggle to sleep when his ship was docked, something about the sea calming his mind; at least he wasn't drunk out of his mind, but then again he'd be unconscious by now rather than wide awake thinking about a mysterious blonde girl he thought.


As she settled down in her room, though you can't really call it that, it was more like a cupboard, she thought about the events that got her there. Who knew a pirate could have a heart, there was no other reason as to why he kept her on the ship, that was kindness and certainly not the same man she saw in the village square. She also couldn't get over the way he looked up close; his piecing blue eyes seemed to be ingrained in her memory every time she closes her eyes, it was maddening. She knew she wouldn't get to sleep easy, this is the first time she hasn't slept in a princess worthy mattress, Emma knew she had to suck it up. This is her life now.

And tomorrow would've been one of the most important days of her life, and she knew she would be spending it in front of a crowd, showing off her beauty and poise. That's not how she would've wanted it but her parents had their own plans, none of which were her happiness, it never was. Emma knew her parents had responsibilities but at the same time they made her feel worthless. It wasn't always that way, Emma was sure she remembered memories of the three of them exploring the castle gardens but she's not sure if that's just a dream conjured up to try and make her feel better about her life. Anyway she's no longer there. She's here. On a pirate, beginning an adventure she's always wanted. And Emma couldn't wait.

That was her last thought before sleep overtook her.

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