Good Form

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Hey guys, here's a new chapter, hope you Enjoy!!!!!!

Following the crowds of rowdy people that descended the village, she was excited to see where they all were going. She felt a sense nervousness but also curiousness, she needed to know what was happening, it was part of the adventure. As she got closer to the village centre, it was clear what was happening, it was a duel. And it looked like it was against two pirates, both looked very angry and by the looks of things were willing to take the fight to the death.

One of the fighters, caught her eye through the crowd, he had jet black hair and vibrant blue eyes, but his expression was full of anger, but what caught her eyes was the light reflecting off a hook that seemed to replaced the mans hand. From the looks of things he was winning the duel. She saw him saying something to his opponent, but it was too far for Emma to hear.

All of a sudden the crowd dispersed, the victor seemed have disappeared, perhaps to celebrate, but Emma couldn't move, she was routed to the spot staring at the now dead body lying in his own blood. She had known pirates were violent, she just never imagined this much, then again she was quite naive.

She suddenly felt very self conscious, like she didn't fit in, which was true since she was royalty. She felt like she needed to get out of there. But not back to the castle, she still needed an adventure. Instead of scared like you would expect, she felt something else thrumming though her body and that was adventure and danger. She wanted to feel it. And the pirates gave her an idea. They were dangerous and adventurous ,perhaps, just perhaps she could experience that, not the 'violent' part but the 'free to do what the hell she wanted' part. And that's what she wanted.


Her idea was ludicrous but at the same time it was amazing. She could become a pirate. She could feel free for once. She could sail the seven seas. She then thought of the beautiful pirate ship she first saw in the harbour. It was perfect. If she could just get on board she could work as a pirate for whoever was the captain, and even though it was dangerous, that's what she wanted. Danger. But she knew that women weren't really excepted on ships so she would have to come up with something else.

Then it was like a light bulb had turned on in her head. It was such a crazy idea but full of the danger she longed for. She would disguise herself as a boy. Even though it sounded impossible she knew she could pull it off, she would just hide her hair or cut it off, she knew she could grow it back with magic, and just wear baggy trouser and a shirt. She was slim enough to fool people and she knew it. When she was younger she used to prank the guards that followed her that she was a young servant boy, it was only when her parents were looking for her that they realised.

She could do this.

She will do this.

A few hours later, Emma had a well thought out plan. She had found a nearby and frankly 'shady' market that she could find some no conspicuous clothes that she could pull off being a boy in. Once she traded her gown, for the worn out clothes, she knew she was one step closer to her adventure, looking down at herself, Emma hardly recognised the body she saw. The baggy clothes hid her slim figure well enough that no one would guess her secret. But there was still one thing she needed to fix and that was her hair. As much as she loved the feel of it falling down her back, she knew it had to go. Managing to also buy a pair of scissors buy selling her remaining jewellery, she slowly cut it of, bunches at a time, until it was the length of a small bob. Without a mirror, Emma could only guess what it looked like and hoped that it was convincing enough to pirates.

She knew she was being naive, but this is what she wanted, she wanted danger, Emma needed it. Making her way back to the ship she could only guess what she would have to do to become a crew member but she hopes its not too difficult. Then Emma remembered one more thing, a name. She needed a new name. She got it. Edward. She would now be called Edward. Perfect!


Standing in front of the massive broad ship leering over her, she felt slightly nervous but then she thought back to her life in the castle and how lonely and bored she was, doing the same thing over and over again, with no adventure or fun. This was her only chance at freedom. Emma knew that once she turned 18 she would be married off, as her parents already had a prince in line, someone called Baelfire, she had heard rumours about him, how he loved to manipulate and take power from those around. He also wanted to rule a larger kingdom than he would inherit, hence where Emma came in. But that's not the life she wants.

Making her way on board the ship, she can see some of crew staring at her like a sore thumb. But this is what she wants, so hell to them. Once she was on deck she was standing in front of what looks to be the captain or the first mate.

"Umm, hi I was wondering if I could work on this ship for you" Emma said sheepishly

The crew erupt in laughter, obviously finding what she said funny.

"You think our captain lets on any fool on here that's wants to be a pirate!"

Another fit of laughter...

"You have to work for it"

Then he threw a sword at her feet, obviously wanting her to fight for a place on the ship. This is what she wanted, she wanted excitement.

"Okay..." Emma picked up the sword, feeling is weight on her fingers, it was heavy but nothing she hasn't held before.

Suddenly the man in front of her drew his sword and got in a stance, ready to fight. Emma took this as a cue to get in position. Then all of a sudden he lunged for her, with his sword narrowing missing her. But Emma or now Edward, used their quick reflexes to move out of the way. Then she used her sword to bounce back at her attacker. Their blades clashed and the fight picked up speed. They both were fairly good, Emma knew she was taught well by her only friend and this proved it. Emma swung around quickly to her opponent just in time to flick their sword out of their hand, leaving them defenceless and Emma the victor. She then aimed her sword at his throat, to single she had clearly won.

Just as she was about the lower her sword she heard rustling in the darkness to her left before her opponent spoke.

"Captain, this boy wants to be on our crew"

She knew he was talking to whoever was hidden in the shadows, out of view.

"Does he now, and how did he take to the sword?" His accent was something she had never heard, it made her more curious to the whole situation.

"Well I turned out no match for him, his skills seem quite adept, but I'm sure you'd beat him with no trouble."

As the pirate finished his sentence, the Captain finally came into view. Even though he was still in the shadows, she could make out some of his appearance, one of which was a rather shiny hook on his left hand. Then she realised that, it was the same man that won the duel in the village...

If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a comment or vote for it and I may upload the next chapter quicker ;)

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