Think Lovely Thoughts

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Hey Guys!! HAPPY ONCE DAY!! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I had some personal problems but I'm back!! Tell me what you think of this chapter, and also sorry if there are any mistakes, I currently don't have a beta ;) 


As Emma slowly woke up, she realised where she was. On a ship. She could feel it bobbing on the water and honesty it was the most calming this she had ever felt. Then she suddenly remembers today is her big day, she is 18. And Emma can't help but smile at the prospect of experiencing something new. It is a fresh start. And most importantly she is the happiest she has ever felt.

Once Emma sat up in her creaky bed, she felt some knots in her back. She guessed it would take some time to get used to her new sleeping arrangements. After all she was a princess. But now she wasn't. She was a cabin boy, so she hard to start acting like one. It was then she missed her long hair, it was always like a safety blanket and also made her


As Hook woke up, it was nothing like Emma's start to the day. It was sudden. And very early, the sun hadn't even risen. And then he figured out his sudden wake. A certain prominent hard on from a girl he had met last night. He laughed at how childish it sounded. He knew he had to deal with his 'issue' before he came on deck but he just struggled with the realisation of how much this woman effected him. As he took his member in his hand he had to jerk himself off with memories of her beauty. This was stupid, he was a ruthless captain not a love sick boy. This had to stop. He couldn't be like this. He couldn't have feelings for this girl. He hardly knew her. And she was his crew.


He needed to set sail, even though they had only been in the port for a day, they already had all the supplies. Hook knew that his duel had frightened some of the crew enough to get them to now do their jobs and as quick as possible. Oh how he loved to get his crew in line now and again.

As he told the crew to set sail, doing all their jobs in order to make it a flawless effect for the ship to start to move out of the dock and onto the open sea. Once things was settled, and he was steering, he tried to find Emma's face in the crew getting to work, he knew it was early so perhaps she was still asleep. That'll have to change.

When she finally came up onto deck. She took his breath away, even in just a simple cabin boy clothing. It's then he remembered that she's pretending to be a boy, so he should stop looking at her like he currently is doing. Once he took a moment to collect himself, he saw she was walking directly towards. As she was walking he could just about she her curves swaying as she got closer. This damn siren would be the death of him.

"Captain, what would you like me to do?" Emma spoke a little confident.

"Well, Edward, I have some jobs that need doing, like counting the stock, and making sure all the weapons are accountable. And Edward, a pirates day starts at sunrise, not whenever you feel like it. Tomorrow you shall get up at the same time as the rest of the crew, understand"

He knew he couldn't be 'nice' to her or give her special treatment because to everyone else she was just a cabin boy and nothing else. But all he really wanted was to was have her close and show her everything about the ship, everything that makes him love her. The ship was everything he had, and he wanted to show her it. But what scared him was that he had no idea why he felt like that. He had never had an interest like this since Milah, and he remembers clearly how that ended. Bloody crocodile. And that couldn't happen again. Not ever.

"Yes, Captain, sorry Captain, won't happen again" She said, feeling a little out of place. She knew that he was Captain, but he was so nice last night, maybe it was to good to be true.

"Smee" As he called his first mate over, it was obvious he had hurt her with his abruptness, but he had to keep up the act of a heartless Captain. "Show Edward here, to the hull, and tell him how to count the stock" He said as sternly as he could.

"Yes, Sir"

Once she was below deck with the captains first mate, things didn't seem to get better.

"Just because you are new does not mean you will get any special treatment from me or any other crew, and also you have to address me as Sir. Get it in your thick skull, that you are in the lowest position of the ship, all the things we don't want to do, we will pawn it off to you, understand?"

"Umm...Yes, Sir"

"Right then, lets get you to work"


After the sun set and dinner had been ate, though Emma wouldn't call it dinner, it was more like slush. All the crew retired to their quarters. So Emma took the moment to go out onto the deck and look up at the sky. She was very happy to see that the deck almost empty with only one crew on lookout in the crows nest, checking that the sea was clear. Holding onto the rail, Emma looked out and felt oddly calm, today was probably the hardest she had ever worked, and she felt exhausted, ever bone in her body ached but she knew that it was a sign she had worked hard. And even though it was very hard, she still enjoyed it. She liked doing something new, even if it was just counting stock and ordering the weapons.

"Love, how was your day"

The voice made her jump, she was so out of it, she failed to hear footsteps coming towards her. And she immediately recognised the voice, it was the Captain. What was he doing here? She just wanted some time to collect her thoughts and not be ordered around.

"It was good"

"Don't lie, love, I know it would've been hard"

"Why do you care, Captain" Why was he even here, he was the Captain, not her friend.

"Look, Emma, I know I was harsh on you this morning but I am the Captain and I cant be considered weak in front of my crew" Using her real name, made her shivered, not hearing it all day made it sound somewhat special.


"I snuck some food for you, see the Captain gets better grub than his crew, and I thought you might want some actual food, rather than that vile substance the crew eats"

"Umm.. Thank you, but why are you helping me or being nice to me?"

"Lets just say I'm curious, love" He was more than curious, he was overwhelmed. Though he didn't she much of her through the day, what he did see, a sensation overwhelmed him, and he was quite sure what it was. 

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