The Jolly Roger

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Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Captain Hook POV

Finally the Jolly Roger reached the harbour, even though it was small, it had everything a pirate needs. And after all Captain Hook had some business he could finally attend to. He had found out a few days before that one of his crew was stealing from him and worst of all sending information about his whereabouts to his enemy Blackbeard. Though Blackbeard was as harmless as a fly in Hooks eyes, he could be damn annoying. And another thing Hook loved about anchoring down in this small village was that he could stock up on his favourite drink. Rum.

After they had docked, his crew hovered nervously around the Captain knowing that something was going to go down, they just didn't know what. Yet. Oh how he would enjoy this. As they all gathered around the Captain, now in the village square, he knew now was the time.

"Now, Mike, care to tell me why you have been stealing from me and working for Blackbeard behind my back!" Hook shouted with as much venom as he could.

After that his crew backed away quietly, leaving only the traitor, shaking with fear as he knew what the Captain was capable of.

"Uhh... Captain...Sir...He to..." Mike managed to get out before, the captain drew his sword ready to fight.

"You're scared more of Blackbeard than me! Well we shall see when I'm finished with you" Then Hook chuckled to himself as he watched the bastards face drain of all colour. Though he didn't like getting violent, he knew that if he didn't make an example of Mike, other crew would follow and pirates would get wind that he'd gone soft. And that's the last thing he wanted, especially when he had his revenge to attend to.

As his now ex-crew member realised what was happening, he drew his cutlass in an attempt to fight back, though he knew that his Captain was one of the best swordsman in the realm. Even with one hand, his Captain out shined any pirate in a duel and he knew it. That's probably why he was wearing his smug look. He knew he would win.

"Come on then, Mike, prove your worth or die"

With that, the duel commenced, the crowd growing in anticipation. In these parts, duels are entertainment. They both lunged forward, and their swords clashed with ease. It was like a dance, one that the Captain was clearly winning. With the crowd chanting on, the Captain kept up with his bravado of a viscous pirate as he kept flicking his sword at his opponent. But in the crowd something caught his eyes, not something but someone, he could just about see her fiery blonde hair and could see her emerald green eyes. Taking his attention back to the duel, with one last lunge, Hook unarmed Mike then spoke the last words the traitor would ever hear.

"You think you can live and tell the tale, after you steal and work with your Captains enemy. I think not!" Hook whispered before driving his sword through Mike. He hated doing these things but as he always says 'a man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets'.

After the crowd dispersed, he and his crew left the body to finally relax with lady company or what Hook prefers is to drown himself in rum, which the tavern nearby seem to be fully stocked up on. But Hook couldn't forget about the woman he had barely seen, but what he had seen had took his breath away. It was just something about her, the way her eyes sparkled with loneliness and wanting.


On his way back to the ship, slightly drunk, he could hear a commotion on his ship. Interesting, he thought. As he walked up the plank, he could see a fight going on but could only see his first mates face and his opponents back, it looked like a young boy. And from the looks of things he was winning, as Hook moved to get a better look, he was masked in darkness but he could still see the attacker and what he saw shocked him to the core. He immediately recognised his eyes, emerald green, or more like her eyes. It was the same woman, her hair had been cut to a short bob, and her clothes were worn down, he guessed to probably pass herself off as a boy. For the first time in a long time he felt sympathy, looking at her eyes whilst she fought, he could see the passion and how much she wanted to work on the ship. Which made Hook feel another emotion curiosity, who the hell would want to work on a pirate ship, especially if you are a woman? He knew that it could mean trouble but from the look on her face, she wanted to be a pirate not needed. And that in itself was interesting.

As the fight drew to an end, the clear winner was the woman. Again very interesting. Just as Hook was about to congratulate the victor, Smee, his first mate and sore loser spoke. Oh if only he knew he was beaten by a girl...

"Captain, this boy wants to be on our crew"

"Does he now, and how did he take to the sword?" Even though Hook knew how she had done, he couldn't help but annoy Smee on his defeat.

"Well I turned out no match for him, his skills seem quite adept, but I'm sure you'd beat him with no trouble" His first mate said bitterly.

Then Hook slowly walked out of the shadows showing how impressed he was with the 'boy', and he knew from her expression that she recognised him from the village square. It was hard for someone to forget his dashingly handsome face, even if they only saw him for a spilt second, Hook thought smugly.

"Well then boy, since you won, lets talk about your terms, care to join me in the captains cabin" He said sternly, just because he knew her secret doesn't mean he has to go easy on her.

"Yes...Sir" she said slightly nervous but her eyes beamed with happiness dearly ecstatic that she won her duel.


As they left the crew and enter his quarters, something inside him sparks another realisation, he hadn't ratted her out, was there still something human in him or is his curiosity getting the better of him? He didn't know but it was something about her made her stand out from everyone around her.

"So, 'boy'" he made sure to emphasis the word 'boy', he does love a bit of fun. "What made you want to become a pirate"

"Well, sir, I've always wanted adventure, and what's more adventurous than becoming a pirate" That certainly was true, the captain thought but he knew something else must have made her make the sudden decision

"Ahh, that I know, adventure is addictive, I never caught your name, boy?"

"Umm... It's Edward, sir" She was quite cute when she was shy, no, don't think about her like that, she's now on your crew, Hook thought.

"Well, Edward that certainly is interesting, I would have thought a woman like you would have a more feminine name? Don't you think?" As her jaw dropped, he just smirked bathing in her reaction.

Sorry about the cliff hanger, I just couldn't resist ;). Comment how you felt about this chapter and maybe vote for it, and I may update it quicker ;)

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