Chapter 3- The Marauders

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Katie had all her trunks packed, waiting by the door.

Professor McGonagall watched Katie pace the room, amused.

"Katie, we don't leave for another half hour yet, sit down"

Katie was leaving for Hogwarts soon, but McGonagall wouldn't be travelling with her.

When Katie asked why, McGonagall simply said:

"Katie, this was only temporary, you know that. Now, you'll be treated like an ordinary student. No more special treatment"

Katie was intrigued at the thought of going through platform 9 3/4.

How does it work?

Is it a magic portal?

Oh no! What if its that weird apparate thing?

A million thoughts rushed through her head but nothing prepared her for what was to come.


"Run through that wall" McGonagall instructed her.

"What?!" Katie demanded. "Do you want me to go to hospital?"

"Just run through it. You'll understand."

Katie sighed exasperatedly. She ran straight to the wall, closing her eyes firmly. She felt like she was wading through water. When she got to the other side, she gasped. There was a bright red, steam train with the school crest on it. It was the type of train from Thomas The Tank Engine. The platform was crowded with families, hugging their children, saying their goodbyes. Katie felt even more lonely when she realised she was all by herself.

Go sit in the train. She thought.

She walked to the trains entrance, pulling her heavy trunk with her.

"Do you need help with that?" A kind woman asked Katie.

"No, thank you" Katie responded.

She struggled with her trunk for a few moments before the woman spoke again.

"Are you in your first year? My son James is."

"Yes, I'm in my first year. I'm Katie Mostafa."

The woman stared at Katie shocked, before regaining her calm manner.

"We are the potters." The woman carried on.

"Nice to meet you." Katie replied politely.

The woman turned away, talking to her son.

She caught faint fragments of their conversation.

Behave James.

Don't forget your robes.

I'm going to miss you.

Katie inspected James. He had messy jet black hair which stuck up in all directions. His pale skin was clear, and he had two rosy cheeks. His brown eyes shone with mischief and it was clear James was used to getting in trouble. His round glasses kept slipping down his nose and he had to push them up repeatedly.

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