Chapter 16- The Confession

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"Jacob!" Katie yelled.

He turned around almost instantly, a huge grin plastered across his face. He was sat in their usual booth, and he looked well for someone whose mother had been gravely ill a few days ago. Almost too good. Katie ignored that fact and rushed over to him. He stood up as soon as she stopped running and picked her up in his arms. They hugged tightly, Katie burying her head in Jacobs's neck. Madame Rosmerta stared disapprovingly from behind the bar.
"Are you two lovebirds going to order a drink or are you purposely taking up a booth?"
Madame Rosmerta had never been too fond of Katie. Usually the Three Broomsticks were full in the winter but every time Katie came in, she managed to clear an entire area around her.
"Oh, no we aren't together like that." Katie said quickly.
Jacob looked down at the floor with a hurt expression on his face.
"Not that there's anything wrong with him, I mean he's an-" Katie tried explaining, not wanting to offend Jacob.
"What drink do you guys want?" Madame Rosmerta interrupted.
"Pumpkin juice please." Jacob requested. Katie couldn't help but notice that he hadn't included her drink which was strange because he had always waited for her opinion before.
"Just a butterbeer, with extra butter."
Katie loved the warm sensation the butter provided and she always ordered extra. It was also because the extra butter increased the amount of foam.
"Jacob, you don't know how much I've missed you. I didn't realise how hard school would be without you."
"Katie, why do you go to Hogwarts? You're clearly unhappy there."
"Where else could I go?"
"You could be homeschooled." Jacob suggested.
Katie was unsure of whether to tell Jacob about her situation. She figured she might as well, he was the only friend she had so she was praying he wouldn't be disgusted.
"Jacob, I need to tell you something..."
"Oh, sounds serious." He commented.
"It is. It's about my home situation."
Katie paused as Rosmerta had come over with their drinks. Rosmerta seemed to know what Katie was about to tell Jacob and she hurried away so Katie could finish what she was saying.
Katie took a long sip of her drink, allowing the butter to calm her, warming her stomach at the same time.
"I don't have a normal family. My mum? I don't know who she is. My father? He''m not...well he's Voldemort." Katie hurried on before she was interrupted again. "My mum and Voldemort had a fling when they were in Hogwarts. My Mum never told him but she found out that she was pregnant. She didn't want to tell him because she was a muggle born and she knew my father didn't approve of muggles. Throughout their time at Hogwarts, nobody had found out that my mum was a muggle born. My mum made the mistake of telling her parents and they were adamant that she wouldn't get an abortion. My mum had me the summer after she had left Hogwarts. She died during childbirth, at least that's what I've been told. After that, my grandparents looked after me. I was about 6 months old when they died. Natural causes. I don't know who, but somebody told my father about me and he came forward and claimed me. After it was proved that he was my father, they let him take me. When he started his pursuit of power, the minister of magic thought it was unwise to leave me under his care. They raided his house and he fled, leaving me behind. The ministry took me to an orphanage-a muggle orphanage to make it harder for Voldemort to track me. Then, when I turned 11, Dumbledore came. He explained everything to me. Now, I go to Hogwarts and in the holidays, I stay with McGonagall. Dumbledore says it's really important to keep me safe; Voldemort could try at any moment to kidnap me." Katie finished.
"You have a foam moustache around your lips." Jacob said.
"What? Is that it?"
"I'm not that surprised Katie. You never spoke of home and the others would always call you his daughter. I put two and two together and figured it out."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Katie demanded.
"What did you want me to say?" Jacob said, angry. "That my best friend, only friend, is the daughter of my fathers murderer? Is that what you want to her? That I'm disgusted by you? Repulsed? I'm not any of those things. If anything, I'm hurt. That you could tell everybody this apart from me. What a great friend(!)"
"I wasn't sure how you'd take it. I value your friendship and opinion of me far more than these people. I was afraid that you would stop talking to me and I'd be alone. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry that my father killed your father! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you! I'm sorry I made you feel bad! I'm sorry that I ruined your life!" At this point, Katie was a crying mess. Her cheeks were wet with tears, her eyes were red and puffy and she looked so broken. Jacob pulled her into a hug and she collapsed into him. He rocked her until she had run out of tears and they sat there, in each other's arms, until closing time.

Cursed. (Marauders Era)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora