Chapter 6 - The Secret

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Katie was in her dorm room, when she received a letter from Dumbledore.

I have some news to tell you. Come to my office immediately.
P.S. I like lime liquorice.

Katie Mostafa arrived at Dumbledore's office and quickly said the password. She hurried down the stairs and in his office was Dumbledore, McGonagall and a man who Katie didn't know.

"Ah, Katie. Here you are. This is Cornelius Fudge, the minister of magic"

Katie didn't know what that was but it sounded important.

"Fudge has finally decided to tell you the truth about your past. About your parents. Katie, you know how I said your parents were murdered by a bad person? Well, your parent wasn't the murdered. It was the murderer."

Katie sat down without invitation. Her parent was a murderer?

"I know its a shock. Your father was called Tom Riddle and now he's known as Voldemort. He has a group of followers called death eaters. When your father was in high school he was very popular. A lot of girls liked him. One girl in particular, your mother. One thing led to another and your mother became pregnant. With you. Tom wanted nothing to do with it so when you were born he killed your mother. His first murder. He would've killed you but we arrived in time. We took you somewhere we knew you'd be safe. Miss Agatha's orphanage. Miss Agatha is a witch and she protected you until I arrived, bringing you here. You are in danger as we think your father still wants to kill you." Dumbledore told her.


Dumbledore told everyone in assembly. Apparently, Voldemort was well known as everyone looked shocked, edging away from Katie. He told them they must all do their best to protect Katie and everyone else.
"Is it true?" Lilly asked.
Katie nodded. To her surprise, Lilly gave a look of disgust and moved away. To Sirius. Katie met his gaze, to be looked at with repulsion.
"Its not my fault. I'm not going to change because of who my father is." Katie said.
"That's what you think. Its a fact that children carry traits of their parents. Maybe you got your daddy's murdering streak!" Hissed Sirius.
The whole table, the whole school in fact, were listening to their conversation. Katie felt her cheeks turn red. Her eyes glistened with water, tears threatening to spill out.
"I'm not evil. Maybe I'll get a more handy trait, such as parseltongue." Katie said.
It was the worst thing she could say. She heard boos and hisses from everyone.
"I'm going to bed.'' Kara said, obviously looking for an excuse to move away from Katie.
Marlene followed Kara, not meeting Katie's eyes. The tears betrayed Katie, falling down her cheeks.
"What do you think I'm going to do? Join my father? He hates me! That's why he wants me dead!"

No one listened, voicing their opinions. Tara was the only one that looked at Katie without anger, fear or malice. Tara squeezed Katie's hand reassuringly.

Thank you mouthed Katie

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