Chapter 18- Attack in Hogsmeade

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Katie lay in bed that night, heart thumping. She kept lulling over the kiss. The wretched kiss that refused to be ignored. If Katie had friends, she imagined she would stay up all night analysing every moment of it. It wasn't like she could discuss it with Jacob. Katie had no family or friends so she was unsure what qualified as love and what was just kindness. As far as she was concerned, she had made no move to indicate that she was interested in being more than friends.
Time. That was what Jacob had given to her, a parting gift. After tossing and turning in her bed for many hours, Katie finally fell asleep, her dreams haunted by the boy who held her when she cried.

She was awoken by a loud shout from outside. Startled, she pulled on her boots and rushed towards her door. She wrenched it open, ignoring the fact that everyone else was dressed and she hadn't even brushed her teeth. The loud chatter slowed to silence when they noticed Katie was stood there.
"What's going on?" She asked.
Remus was the first to speak.
"There's been an attack in Hogsmeade. It happened late last night, after most students had left. An elderly couple were targeted."
Katie was shocked but still confused as to why they had come all the way to her room to talk about it.
James pushed himself to the front of the crowd.
"Well, of course she already knows about it. It was your fathers attack." He spat.
"What? I've never even spoken to that man."
"James, she's just woken up. She didn't even know about it." Someone tried reasoning.
Katie recognised her as Beatrice Dufflex, the beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team.
"It's called acting Dufflex."
"It's called innocence Potter." Beatrice said, walking closer to James. She was a head taller and two years older than James and he shut up quickly.
The thought quickly appeared in her mind. She had left Hogsmeade quite late and Jacob was probably still loitering after she had gone. Katie was sickened at the thought of something harming Jacob. She had to check if he was okay.
"Excuse me, but I have to do something." Katie uttered. She slammed the door in the students faces and went towards the bathroom, conscious of her morning breath.
"Going to write a note to daddy? Angry that you weren't involved in his plans?"
"Oh, do shut up James." She heard Beatrice scold.
Katie ignored all the fuss outside her door and quickly scribbled a note to Jacob. Fighting her way through the crowd of angry students, Katie went to the owlery and picked the fastest owl.
Jacob hadn't said much about where he lived so she simply wrote Jacob and hoped for the best.

Katie Mostafa found it incredibly difficult to concentrate on anything during the day. It had been 4 hours and 32 minutes, Katie was counting, and she still hadn't heard from Jacob. She couldn't bear it if anything had happened to him. She couldn't help but think of all the possible scenarios that might have happened after she left Jacob. Eventually the owl returned and pecked at the window. Hurriedly, Katie yanked open the window and the owl settled on her desk. She untied the note and quickly read it. Her heart dropped.

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