Chapter 4

370 7 3

Questioning 2 part 1
Q: what kind of grades did you receive in school when you were younger?

Uh, A's and B's, the occasional C.

A's and a few B's. Not that I care about that anymore.

All A's every time. Never got a B.

Uh, I think all A's and B's. Those days were so easy, even the classes you just cruised through.

Q: what are your current grades like this school year?

C's, D's, l think an F. What'd you expect straight A's from the girl who was held back?

I think, low C's, a lot of D's, and an F

All A's still- I mean, not that I care about it.

D's and F's. Their considering holding me back, I mean I ditch all my classes so who cares.

Who do you think killed Abby Lee Miller? Was it more then one person? Who do you think is innocent?

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