Chapter 16

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Diary Of A Killer
Chapter Sixteen ||

My head pounds against the table as I open the letter from the state. have forty-eight hours from then-now 24, to find and send to trial our killer, or both will go. So the jury, a bunch of random people forced to come with no law schooling or anything backing them up, will decide who's innocent and guilty, or say their both guilty, or set them both free. Usually a sob story wins. So if ones betting than the other then their screwed.
I bang my head again.
One of them a innocent, a innocent bystander. While the other ones a cold hearted killer. Nothing else to be said.
l scramble through my notes, time ticking. It's one of them. Chloe said so. But she won't say who. As I flip through my notes, an envelope marked with 'evidence' in big loopy letters, girl handwriting if you would, falls to my feet. l didn't put that their, nor is my handwriting close to that neat. carefully tear open the envelope, pulling the small note out.
The killer is here. I know who it is. I won't tell you who l am, even if you can guess who. I know who the killer is. I can't tell you who, but l can help. Check the opening statements, side comments, all that. Grill them quickly with questions until one of them slips" ~anonymous
I take no time at all. l pull out my opening statements, my side comments, all of it. I read every word like they tell me who the killer is them self. Then I stop. l put my pen down. I grab my list of scribbled down questions.
I know who my killer is!

Only a couple chapters left, who do you think the killer is?

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