Chapter 18

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Diary Of A Killer
Chapter Eighteen ||
I know what your all thinking, but l can explain. This was all an accident. just wanted a little revenge, but then it got bad. Meant to just point the gun at her. I had no clue it was loaded. I didn't know my dad even owned bullets. wanted to bring the diary home and destroy it. dropped it leaving the alley behind the dumpster. But I swear, it was an accident. I didn't plan to kill Abby. I'm not some psych like that kid who planed out all the steps to murdering his teacher a few years ago. It was all accident. l didn't mean to kill her. But I did. And now and forever more l'll rot in jail for a lot of crap
All because I, Madison Ziegler, killed Abby Lee Miller.

You've reached the end of the book! Did you know who the killer was from the beginning? Be sure to read my new book Take Me Away! if you want the book to be dedicated to you comment a heart! Thanks for reading😍😍

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